14 Eylül 2018 Cuma

Petty Bureaucrats Acting Petty

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 14 September 2018)

müftü sahte imzayla kaymakamı bakanlığa şikayet etti ile ilgili görsel sonucu
       Interchangeable parts of 'the machine'.

A 'complaint' scandal among some bureaucrats in Bolu's Yeniçağa
district has become a topic of discussion.  Müftü (official expounder
of Islamic law) Nihat Aktaş wrote a letter to the Ministry of Interior
complaining about District Chief Naim Akgül, but Aktaş signed the
letter by forging the signature of Mayor Recai Çağlar. (!)

In the letter, 'Çağlar' (Aktaş) wrote that "District Chief Naim Akgül
is psychologically unstable. He scolds those under him and displays
aggressive behavior."  Because of the letter, the governor of Bolu
ordered Mayor Çağlar to initiate an investigation of Akgül.  But
Çağlar claimed to know nothing about the complaint against Akgül
so he referred the matter to the police for them to look into it.

Police determined when the letter had been sent to the Ministry of
Interior, looked at post office security camera footage and identified
the sender as an imam assigned to the district.  The imam, though,
claimed that Aktaş had given him the envelope to mail, saying he
was too busy to take it to the post office himself.  Aktaş was brought
in to give a statement and confessed to forging Çağlar's signature on
the letter.

Müftü Aktaş explained that since he is Akgül's subordinate, he
couldn't file a complaint against him in his own name.  He added
that, nevertheless, "the things stated in the complaint are true.  Akgül
berates his subordinates and constrains them from taking leave."
As for Mayor Çağlar, he said that he would not let this matter rest.
He asserted that "the person we trust most and hold as an example
came up with this vengeful plan and used my name to bring it to
fruition!  If because of this  the district chief were to act impulsively
and hold a grudge against me, then the loser would be Yeniçağa."

 bolu haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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