29 Nisan 2020 Çarşamba
TNT Coronavirus Edition: 'Donkey Style' Antisocialism in Ankara
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 April 2020)
Mule Train
On Sunday evening in Mamak district of Ankara, a few hours before
the weekend lock-down was scheduled to end, a group of 10 youths
gathered in Astsubay Erhan Yıldırım Park. The youths had no masks
and, thumbing their noses as 'social distancing' norms, they played a
game called 'uzun eşek' (long donkey).
Inspiration from El Salvador.
Onlookers notified the police and the group of about 10 youths fled
when they arrived. However (!), when the local populace complained
the police tracked down the 10 youths and fined them a total of
31,500 TL (about $2,500), in accordance with provisions of the Public
Health Law.
"Is it retirement yet?"
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