13 Mart 2022 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Caretaker Batters Elderly Woman for All to See, in Beşiktaş

türkçe links to original Turkish article and video

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 March 2022)

                             The saved & the depraved.

Retired nurse Semahat Lenk (92), returned to Turkey from Germany 15
years ago and about a year ago she began living with a caretaker from 
Turkmenistan, because of her advancing age and health problems, in 
Konaklar neighborhood of Beşiktaş, Istanbul.  

Last week on Wednesday, the caretaker hit Semahat hanım violently on
the flat's balcony and neighbors, hearing the cries of the elderly woman, 
recorded the scene on their cellphones.   The caretaker appeared half-
naked in the window to insult the neighbors.

Police arrived and took the caretaker into custody and jailed.  Meanwhile, 
Semahat hanım was brought to a hospital for treatment of head injuries.

Neighbor Gizem Erdoğan explained that they had heard Semahat hanım's
cries before and informed her relatives, who, nevertheless, showed no
interest in the matter.  Continuing, Gizem hanım said that "we called the
relatives many times but they neither came nor took any action.  We hear
the cries for help all the time from these shameless and degrading attacks.
The caretaker strips both Semahat hanım and herself.  There is sexual 
exploitation involved in this matter.  She battered the elderly woman in
the head very badly and then insulted all the neighbors.  The caretaker
was arrested but I don't know what happened afterward.  I hope that
officials pursue this without fail."

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