22 Aralık 2022 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Moroccan Chastises Uncovered Cashier but Social Media Gets Him Expelled From Turkey

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 December 2022)

//Note to TNT readers: This is our 12th-anniversary issue!//

            Homesick or not he's going back to Casablanca.

Moroccan Marouane El Alagui went into a store in Esenyurt district of
Istanbul and said to the cashier: "Alcohol and cigarettes are being sold
here! There is no need for you to show your hair! It's a sin! Why are you
showing your hair?!"  

A woman customer in the store confronted El Alagui and 
began to take a video with her phone's camera.  She asked him where
he was from and said, "This is the Republic of Turkey! Are you 
aware of that?!" to which El Alagui replied: "I'm Morrocan and I know
where I am. Thank God there is Islam here!"  The woman then 
countered by saying "We here live in a democratic country and it's no
business of yours where someone works and does!  If this woman  
((cashier)) wants to work here she can!  If you're uncomfortable with
me being here ((with hair uncovered)) go back to Morocco!!"

When posted, this video created a firestorm of protests, prompting 
police to track down El Alagui and he was taken into custody on the
charge of "trying to incite hatred and enmity among the public with
speech."  It turned out that El Alagui had similarly criticized an 
uncovered cashier at another market in another neighborhood.  After
processing at the police station, El Alagui was released but sent to
the Tuzla Repatriation Center in eastern Istanbul for expulsion from 

         "Last call! All aboard for the Casablanca flight!"

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