22 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

"Shove & Release": She "Fell" to Her Death but 15 Months Later "Pushy" Hubby Arrested, in Yalova

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 May 2024)

                    An example of  "assisted falling". 

On 24 January 2023 Semiha Sözer (41) and her husband Erdal Sözer,
who were both living in Karamürsel district of Kocaeli province, went
to nearby Altınova in Yalova province for an outing.  At about 7 o'clock
that evening as the couple was taking photographs on top of rocky cliff
Semiha hanım "fell" 20 meters down to her death. 

The Gendarmerie became suspicious of Erdal bey's contradictory
statements and put him under technical and physical surveillance for
15 months.  In addition, a group of expert academicians was formed
to assess the incident as an "expert witness".  As a result, it was 
determined that Semiha hanım had been pushed, rather than having 
fallen, and Erdal bey was taken into custody a week ago on 15 May.

An examination of Erdal bey's home computer revealed that he had
searched on topics such as "how is a person pushed?" (!).  He refused
to give a statement in this regard and has been jailed. 

Search history reveals the hidden truth!

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