17 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": For Final Farewell, He Takes 4 Others With Him, in Gaziantep

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 June 2024)

                Didn't want to be the only one leaving.

In Gaziantep, Syrian Mustafa Hıdır (35) got into an argument the day
before yesterday with a few of his friends.  That night Hıdır  went to
a barber shop in the Vatan neighborhood and shot his friend Yusuf 
Gadban in the head, killing him.  

Hıdır fled from the barber shop and headed for the home of his other
friends in the Üçoklar neighborhood.  There, he entered the house and
shot dead Muhammed Mustafa (24), his brother Abdullah Mustafa (22) 
and Ahmned Nevver (29).  Three others were injured by the gunfire, 
two of them seriously.  

Police pursued Hıdır to his own neighborhood, where, upon seeing the
police, Hıdır shot himself in the head, committing suicide. 

Munir Elhusi, one of the three injured individuals, related that "while
we were sitting around at night Mustafa came and said he was leaving
the country the next day so 'this is probably the last time you'll see me.'
We wished him a fond farewell but five minutes later he stood up and
started firing at us."

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