28 Temmuz 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Car Thief Has Tried to Get Arrested 53 Times...but Can't, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 July 2024)

           He's heard prison food is worth getting in for.

In Maltepe, Istanbul, on 7 March, 30 April and 2 May telephones, 
computers and other technological items were stolen from parked cars.
Police determined that the thief was S.C. who used a "jammer" device
to unlock the cars electronically.  

Police arrested S.C. at noon on 23 July and the "jammer" was found on
his person.  It turned out that S.C. has a record of 53 (!) previous crimes
of this nature.  At times when the "jammer" didn't work to unlock the
cars S.C. smashed the windows to take whatever he could find in the cars.

Yet, when S.C. was brought to court on 24 July he was released (!) on 
judicial supervision. 

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