20 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Six Dead Pedestrians Blamed After Speeding Car Hit Them, in Konya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 July 2024)

    Pedestrians are invisible to drivers until they hit them.

Last November in Konya's Selçuklu district construction worker Seva
Selvi (20) hit a bunch of pedestrians with his speeding car as they tried
to cross the street after getting off a tram.  Six of the pedestrians were
killed and four others were injured, including Naz Övüş (16), who was
in Selvi's car. 

The resulting accident report assigned a "secondary" fault to Selvi but
put the bulk of the blame on the pedestrians for walking in an unguarded
zone, despite the fact that Selvi was driving at a speed of between 111
and 120 kilometers per hour in an area where the speed limit was 82
kilometers per hour. (!)

In any case, the jailed Selvi faces from 2 to 15 years in prison, once the
court issues the final sentence. 

Risk-reduction tips...but no guarantee.

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