4 Ağustos 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Girls' Night Out Ends Badly at Overpriced Fancy Nightclub, in Beyoğlu

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 August 2024)

       "I know all the policemen. They won't touch me..."

In Beyoğlu, Istanbul, 3 university students named Y.T., İ.K. and H.E., 
went to the fancy "Divane" nightclub to enjoy a night out.  However,
the fellows at the table next to theirs made inappropriate remarks to
the three ladies, who then wanted to change their spot.  But Mehmet
Mesut D., the club manager, told them that "these fellows are my 
special guests. They've taken a liking to you and want to send some
champagne to your table."  

Nevertheless, the three ladies insisted on changing their table, but
when their request was denied they asked for the check, which should
have been 475 TL (about $14) but turned out to be 10,000 TL (about
$300) (!).  Mehmet Mesut D. proposed this solution: "let's put your
two tables together and the fellows will pay the bill."  Again, the 3
ladies objected, paid 9,000 TL (!) and leaving "Divane". 

        Girls' night out. Ouch.

However, İ.K. had forgotten her phone charger at the nightclub so 
they had to go back for it.  As they waited at the door, club owner
Veysi T. sidled up to them and said "Sit with the fellows.  In any 
case, you paid less than you should have.  I won't let you leave."
The 3 ladies objected to being taken hostage, of course, but were 
manhandled.  Y.T. wanted to call the police but Mehmet Mesut D.
grabbed her phone and said "we know all the policemen, no one can
do anything to us. You're staying here."

Mehmet Mesut D. grabbed Y.T.'s hair and kneed her in the head, 
throwing İ.K. to the floor and kicking her, for good measure.  A
citizen intervened to separate them, but when Y.T. vowed to file a
complaint with the police Mehmet Mesut D. again said "Go file a
complaint. I know all the policemen. Nothing will happen to me,
but I'll kill you.  I'll shoot you in the legs to bring you to your

Frightened and doubtful that any evidence could be found to back
up her complaint, Y.T. abandoned that idea.  However (!), after a
video of the incident was posted on social media on 31 July, Y.T.
went to the police station and used the video as evidence for her

Consequently, on 2 August Mehmet Mesut D. and Veysi T. were taken
into custody.  During their interrogations, both of them denied all the
charges.  Nevertheless, they were charged with "intentional wounding"
and "sexual harassment" and were both jailed.  "Divane" was closed
and sealed shut by Beyoğlu authorities. 


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