18 Eylül 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Toothache Prompts "Anti-dentite" to Shoot Up Dental Clinic, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 August 2024)

Orhan A. was labled a vicious anti-dentite  on social 

In Adana's Seyhan district, after Orhan A. received dental care
at the clinic of Dr. Doğan T. (55) he went out drinking with his
friend Muhammed Can K..  Subsequently, the two friends went
by motorcycle to the clinic at one-thirty in the morning and 
fired at it with a "pompalı  tüfenk" (pump-action rifle). (!)

Police identified the idiots and took them into custody.  In his
statement Orhan A. "explained" that: "I went to the dental clinic
because my tooth was hurting.  When the treatment took too long
I got agitated.  When I was drinking I thought about my tooth
pain, got angry and went to shoot up the clinic."

As for friend Muhammed Can K., he "explained" that:"When
Orhan's tooth began hurting he wanted to go shoot up the clinic.
I didn't want to let him down so I went too."  Both idiots were

Police sketch of Orhan A. and Dr. Doğan T. 
at the clinic. It got worse...

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