17 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

"Undaunted Deliverance": Baby Born on Metrobus Gets Lifetime Transit Pass, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 October 2024)

                "Yılmaz Baby can ride my bus anytime!"

When Hanife Mete's labor pains demanded it and she couldn't
find a taxi in Esenyurt, Istanbul, to get to a hospital, Hanife 
hanım boarded a metrobüs, giving birth on the bus and naming
her new son "Yılmaz" ("undaunted").  (!)

In light of this historic birth, IETT (Istanbul's mass transit arm)
has issued young Yılmaz a lifetime free pass for all of Istanbul's
mass transit facilities, on the order of Mayor Erkem İmamoğlu. 

Mustafa Bozdemir, the driver of the 34 AS Avcılar-Soğütlüçeşme
metrobüs, related that "when we came to the Küçükçekmece stop
the lady's labor pains increased, so I began to get the other 
passengers off the bus.  One of our security personnel came and
we pulled the bus into an appropriate place.  Then the medical
personnel arrived. For me, it was an event I could never have 

Added to the list of maternity hospitals in Istanbul:

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