3 Ocak 2021 Pazar

Mannequin Hired as Scarecrow to Save Birds From Electric Shocks in Van

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Gazetevatan website, 2 January 2021)

  He'll take any work he can get in these tough times.

In Yeşilova village of Van's Erciş district, citizens have put a 
"mannequin-scarecrow" on an electrical tower to ward off birds who 
sit on the wires and get electrocuted.  Village chief Maksut Tuz 
explained that excessive deaths among birds prompted the move. 

The village is eight kilometers from Erciş center and the plethora of
trees there attract birds, who can't resist sitting on the live wires.
Chief Tuz applauded his constituents for their concern about the 

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