9 Ekim 2021 Cumartesi

Nobel Prize for "Social Media Publicity Prankster" Goes to Borçka Municipality

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 9 October 2021)

                               "And the winner isn't..."

The municipality of Borçka district in Artvin province posted a message
of congratulations to Nobel Literature Prize winner Abdulrazak Gurnah
on its social media account, but used a picture of actor Morgan Freeman.  
The next day, singer Tarık Mengüç's picture was used instead of Gurnah's.
Borçka Mayor Ercan Orhan explained that "we didn't expect that our 
humor would be so well-liked and, in the parlance of social media, 'start 

The municipality's message intended for the real Gurnah stated that
"we congratulate him and eagerly await his new novels."  Social media
users were quick to point out that Gurnah does not look like Morgan 
Freeman.   However, the following day the Borçka municipality's social
media page carried a new congratulatory message for Gurnah but this
time used a picture of Turkish singer Tarık Mengüç instead of Gurnah's. (!) 

                    The resemblance is uncanny (not! ).

Borçka Mayor Orhan claimed that the postings were meant to be funny and
that he was surprised but pleased that the postings were "trending" on social 
media, saying "we've made the Z generation happy once again. Our 
intention in using the photo of Freeman for Gurnah was to make people,
who of course recognized Freeman, wonder what the real Gurnah looked
like and to get them to read his books and, at the same time, raise our lovely
district's profile.  I think we succeeded."

"In order to increase the dosage of our humor, we next used a photo of the
great musician Tarık Mengüç on purpose, to emphasize that we'd used 
Freeman's photo intentionally.  And this is further proven by our spelling
'Gogele' instead of 'Google'.  When you look at the comments that came 
after both postings, it's evident that the second posting (Mengüç) made it 
clear to people that our intention was humorous."

"Our geography has produced Nasreddin Hoca, Karagöz-Hacivat, Aziz
Nesin, Gırgır, Leman and Uykusuz, so you see that we use humor around
here all the time as one of the most powerful communications tools. We
trust in people's sense of humor."

Previously, there was another interesting posting on the social media 
account of the Borçka municipality: that Princess Diana and Prince 
Charles spent their honeymoon in Borçka. (!)  The posting got a big
audience, with many social media users wondering whether it was in
fact true.  In explanation, the municipality posted this message: "Our aim
is to attract attention to our district's natural beauty.  The view seen in
the picture resembles our district's beautiful terrain.  It was a joke, of
course, and we will continue to do this on social media."


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