26 Şubat 2023 Pazar

"Beat & Release": "Help!" Sign in the Snow Prompts Helicopter Rescue, in Kahramanmaraş

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 February 2023)

                        Translation: SOS (save our souls!)

A family stranded in their village home for three days during the recent
earthquake calamity wrote "Yardımet" (Help!) in the snow with their
feet.  This caught the attention of helicopter pilot Gendarmerie Col.
Aytekin Çakırerk, who landed and aided the elderly couple and two

The combination of the earthquake and snowfall has made it nearly
impossible to get aid to many villages in the affected area so provisions
have been transported by helicopters from the Gendarmerie General
Command's Aviation Directorate.   In Kahramanmaraş's Dulkadiroğlu
district a 4-person family was stranded in their home so they wrote the
"HELP!" sign in the snow in hope that a helicopter would see it.
They also built a fire so the smoke would call attention to their plight.

A Gendarmerie helicopter pilot, Col. Aytekin Çakırerk, saw the sign
and, after two descents, he succeeded in making a risky landing.  He
asked the family what they needed, flew back to Kahramanmaraş and
then returned with the requisite provisions.  

Col. Çakırerk explained that "the weather was making it hard to reach
the rural areas but we took the risk anyway and provided aid.  On my
way back I saw the "Yardımet" sign in the snow and noticed two homes
nearby where fires were burning to emit smoke signals.  Coming closer,
I saw an elderly man waving a Turkish flag.  It was a difficult place to
land but we did and got a list of needs from the family.  Within half
an hour we returned with the aid.  The family's house was undamaged.
I had seen the film "Help Me" but this was the real thing."

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