19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Taxi Driver Rescues Stabbing Victim at 3 in the Morning, in Kadıköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 April 2024) 

   3 o'clock in the morning - I'd turn back if I were you.

In Kadıköy, Istanbul, yesterday at about 3 o'clock in the morning, Ali 
Rıza Ocak, suffering from 8 stab wounds, was rescued by a passing 
taxi driver and brought to a hospital.  Ocak had been walking in the
Osmanağa neighborhood when unknown individuals attacked and 
stabbed him eight times. 

Taxi driver Ferit Karadağ happened to be passing by and noticed Ocak
struggling to walk so he put him in his taxi and brought him to a nearby
hospital, where Ocak was operated on.  

Karadağ explained that "I was on my way to Moda and I saw this 
fellow trying to get a ride, but without success.  He then appealed to
me and, seeing that he was bleeding heavily, I took him to a hospital.
Along the way I kept talking to him to keep him from passing out."

Karadağ then returned to the place where he picked up Ocak in order
to help the police, who had arrived on the scene.  Karadağ learned that
Ocak's condition was critical. 

Hero Karadağ on duty...

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