12 Haziran 2020 Cuma

ZOOM Porno Mishap Makes Prof. Resign

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 June 2020)

accidents do happen click here for another TNT report
about misdirected porno.

Online sınavında 'ahlaksız yayın' iddiası istifa getirdi ...
                      He doth protest too much me thinks.

It has been claimed that during an online test involving 40 students,
Prof. Dr. Hasan Kaval, the head of the Business Administration
Department at Atılım University in Ankara, was watching a porno
film (!) and that in the course of the test, the students also saw
the pornographic scenes on their ZOOM screens.

One of the students shared the scenes and the resulting complaints
from parents and students reached the university's president, Prof.
Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ, who forced Prof. Dr. Kaval to resign. 

Hürriyet reached out to Kaval for comment and he explained that
"The incident is completely wrong and exaggerated.  During the
online test, the students asked a question so I walked away from the
ZOOM screen to find the answer.  An advertisement (the porno in
question) appeared in my place and the students recorded it.  I
wasn't watching porno. It was a 'pop-up' add.  The first time anything
like that happened to me.  I was quite shocked myself." (!)

"The other night I was watching a film on Netflix, got bored and left.
When the film finished the 'pop-up' must have appeared. Then these
baseless accusations that I was watching a porno film came out. It
seems like a conspiracy against me and I've filed a lawsuit!"

Atılım Üniversitesi Akademik Personel Alım İlanı - Akademik ...
   BA Dept.'s most popular course is 'Risky Business 101'

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