5 Mayıs 2021 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Russian Woman KO's Turk and Puts His Body in Car Trunk

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 May 2021)

                She's a knockout, in more ways than one.

Residents of a neighborhood in Bursa complained to police about a foul 
smell coming from the trunk of a car.  When police opened the trunk
they found the body of Sinan Sönmez (32) who had been missing for 
34 days.  

Police checked video from 180 security cameras and determined that
Russian citizen Nariman S. (29) had brought the car to the spot where it 
was parked.  Sönmez's telephone records were checked, too, and Nariman
S. was taken into custody.  

In her statement to police, Nariman S. said that "Sinan Sönmez and I were 
friends.  About a month ago we went to a wooded area of Ahkisar village 
in İnegöl district to drink alcohol under the trees there.  He suddenly began
cursing and in the ensuing argument I punched him and knocked him out.
Then I strangled him to death and put his body in the trunk of the car,
which I abandoned in Kestel district.  While leaving the scene I took off
the license plates and threw his ID and telephone into a stream. I'm very
regretful." (!)

Taken into custody for helping the murder suspect were Latife A., Sabit D.,
Alişan D. and İsmail Ç.  who were all jailed, along with Nariman S.

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