28 Ekim 2017 Cumartesi

Doctor Flushed 5 Meters Down Along With Toilet

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Dinamikhaber website, 28 October 2017)

necmettin şişli tuvalet çökmüş ile ilgili görsel sonucu
They'll call him 'Dr. Tuv' (tuvalet/toilet) henceforth.

When Dr. Mehmet Necmettin Sutaşır, who works at the emergency
room of the Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital in Şişli,
Istanbul, went to use the bathroom in a section of the building that
has been under repair for some time, he was in for quite a surprise.

While in the toilet, the floor gave way, plunging Dr. Sutaşır 5
meters down and leaving him amid the rubble.  Dr. Sutaşır somehow
got up and screamed, alerting the others working in the hospital,who
found Dr. Sutaşır and brought him to the emergency room for
treatment.  Besides some broken bones, Dr. Sutaşır condition was
described as 'good'. 

şişli haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                  Şişli district of Istanbul

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