17 Mart 2022 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Perfume Seller, Spurned by Doctors, Takes Them Hostage, in Denizli

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 March 2022)

new year's & fake perfume click here for another
perfume story that leads to yet another.

In Denizli on 15 January, perfume-seller Uğur Çalışkan got hold of a 
sick relative's hospital pass and entered the pediatric clinic of  Pamukkale 
University Hospital, finding the office of Dr. Begüm Yağmur Bakkalcı 
and Dr. Osman Gazi Sağlam there.  Neither of the doctors was interested 
in buying any perfume so they told Çalışkan to be on his way.

However (!), Çalışkan decided on the hard-sell technique and locked the
office door, holding the two doctors hostage.  The doctors, though, were
able to call in a "white code" to hospital security, prompting curses and 
threats from Çalışkan, who attacked Dr. Sağlam, injuring the doctor's 
right arm.  Nevertheless, Dr. Sağlam was able to get the key from 
Çalışkan's pocket during their tussle, opened the door and security 
personnel subdued Çalışkan, delivering him to the police. 

After processing at the police station and being brought to court,
Çalişkan was released (!) on judicial supervision.  The Denizli public
prosecutor objected to the release, though, and Çalışkan was rearrested
and jailed two days later.  

Last Friday in court, Çalışkan stated that "I apologize to the doctors. I
locked the door because I was frightened. I regret what I did and want
to be released."  However (!), the chief of the court sentenced Çalışkan
to 8 years and 3 months in jail for "intentional wounding", "insulting",
"kidnapping" and "illegal entry".


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