17 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

"Undaunted Deliverance": Baby Born on Metrobus Gets Lifetime Transit Pass, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 October 2024)

                "Yılmaz Baby can ride my bus anytime!"

When Hanife Mete's labor pains demanded it and she couldn't
find a taxi in Esenyurt, Istanbul, to get to a hospital, Hanife 
hanım boarded a metrobüs, giving birth on the bus and naming
her new son "Yılmaz" ("undaunted").  (!)

In light of this historic birth, IETT (Istanbul's mass transit arm)
has issued young Yılmaz a lifetime free pass for all of Istanbul's
mass transit facilities, on the order of Mayor Erkem İmamoğlu. 

Mustafa Bozdemir, the driver of the 34 AS Avcılar-Soğütlüçeşme
metrobüs, related that "when we came to the Küçükçekmece stop
the lady's labor pains increased, so I began to get the other 
passengers off the bus.  One of our security personnel came and
we pulled the bus into an appropriate place.  Then the medical
personnel arrived. For me, it was an event I could never have 

Added to the list of maternity hospitals in Istanbul:

16 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Family Feud Sends Woman to Riverbottom With "Cobblestone Necklace", in Kırıkkale

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 October 2024)

                Not the kind of jewelry she'd hoped for.

Sevgi Gülden Yalçıner (47) left her home in Karaağil village
in Kırıkkale province's Çelebi district on 25 September but was
not heard from again.  Gendarmerie and AFAD (search &
rescue) teams began searching for her.  Given the likelihood
that murder was involved, the Gendarmerie took 12 suspects
into custody and those jailed included Sevgi Gülden hanım's 
siblings Ş.G. and Y.G., her neighbors D.G. and K.U., along 
with her boyfriend B.U.  

Ultimately, Sevgi Gülden hanım's body was found 19 days
later at the site of the Çeşnigir Bridge over the Kızılırmak
River.  An autopsy revealed that she had been shot dead with
a revolver.  It turned out that Sevgi Gülden hanım had been
in a dispute with her sibling over money that was being 
fought over in court and a decision was imminent. 

                     A 13th Century masterpiece.

Sevgi Gülden hanım was married but lived separately from
her husband.  After she was killed, her body was tied to
cobblestones with wire (!) and thrown in the river, where it
was discovered at a depth of 7 meters.  She was buried
in Kırşehir. 

15 Ekim 2024 Salı

"Betroth & Release": Gendarmie Nixes Teenage Wedding, in Samsun

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 October 2024)

         Now they can get back to playing video games.

Gendarmerie teams in Samsun's Bafra district went on patrol to
check on weddings in Dededağı village and determined that
a bride and groom were not of marrying age.  14-year-old (!)
"bride" İ.G. was taken under protection, while her mother G.G.,
her father İ.G., the "groom" S.E.D (17) and his mother and 
father H.D. and O.D. were all taken into custody.  An 
investigation is continuing. 

14 Ekim 2024 Pazartesi

"Fleece & Release": Follow-up Report - Bridge Thief Gets 2.5 Year Jail Term, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 October 2024)

TNT's stolen bridge report from March 

            Bridge screamed: "Where's the rest of me?!"

Asserting that the 1936 Gömleksiz Bridge over the Kirmir 
Stream in Ankara's Beypazarı district "is mine", Ziya Kesğin 
sold it for scrap in January 2022, reaping 60,000 TL.  (!) Now,
though, Kesğin has been convicted on charges of  "theft-of-
bridge" and will serve 2.5 years in jail. 

The 500-meter Gömleksiz Bridge was in use for 42 years 
until flood damage made it unusable in 1978.  It was 
left idle as a new bridge was built nearby.  In 2022, the
Gömleksiz Bridge was demolished within a week and its
iron and other parts of value were stripped away.  

The legal owner of the bridge was the Highways General
Directorate but Kesğin "assumed ownership" of it and 
sold the scrap to junkmen Y.Ç. and D.K. for 60,000 TL.
However (!), a court case was opened against the three
and the verdict was delivered on 11 October, with Kesğin
convicted of theft and receiving a 2.5 year jail sentence.

The two junkmen were acquitted. 

The Kirmir Stream flows into the Sakarya River.

13 Ekim 2024 Pazar

HMS "Harry Potter", Fit for Royalty, Takes on Fuel at Fethiye

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 October 2024)

                                       Queen of the Seas

The Cayman Islands-flagged, 88.5-meter-long mega-yacht 
'Samsara' owned by "Harry  Potter" writer J.K. Rowling 
anchored at Fethiye in Muğla province to take on 170 tons
of fuel. 

The yacht has been making a tour of the Aegean coast and 
had been centered at Göcek for the past two weeks.  After
taking on the fuel at Fethiye the yacht returned to Göcek.

It is not known whether or not J.K. Rowling herself is on
the yacht but both Turkish and foreign tourists were busy
taking pictures of the yacht all day long.  The yacht is worth
$150 million and has a 5-meter circular pool, a movie
theater with the latest technology, and many amenities one
would find at a luxury beach club.  The yacht can host 12
guests and has a crew of 26. 

Extravagance unlimited...

12 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi

"Fate & Release": Driver Has Heart Attack, Doctor Miraculously Right Behind Him, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 October 2024)

                    Sometimes you just gotta get lucky.

Selahattin Demirel (68), who lives in Istanbul, has had 4 heart
attacks but has resisted pleas to have a bypass operation out of
a fear of operations phobia.  

However (!),  when Demirel had a heart attack while driving
his car, miraculously, Dr. Şamil Gerek was driving the car 
behind him.  Dr. Gerek, who is the head doctor at Adana 
Kadirli State Hospital, just happened to be in Istanbul for a
few days.  He gave Selahattin bey a heart massage and got
him to a hospital quickly, saving his life.

Dr. Gerek persuaded Selahattin bey to have an operation.
Then, without entering the rib cage, the source of Selahattin
bey's fright, the operation was made through the underarm
by Prof. Dr. Cengiz Köksal, who explained that "with some
patients it is possible to perform a heart bypass operation
by entering the chest cavity through the underarm, rather
than by opening the rib cage, with the infection risk less
and the hospital stay reduced, as well.  Perhaps the most
important aspect is that the patient doesn't see a scar and
feels better psychologically."  

Selahattin bey is feeling pretty good these days. 

11 Ekim 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Two LAW Anti-Tank Weapons, Evidently Owned by "Big Game Hunters", Found in Istanbul Basement

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 October 2024)

Doesn't everyone have at least one in the basement?

The evening before last on Hasan Çelebi Street in Istanbul's 
Avcılar district ("Avcılar" means "hunters") unused items 
found in a basement were put out on the street.  Two sacks 
from among these items were opened and inside of  them
there were two LAW (light anti-tank weapons) (!).

Police were alerted to this unusual "find" and arrived at the
scene, took statements from a few people and arrested one
of them. 

Neighborhood association is very anti-tank.

10 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

"Decease & Release": He Wanted Out of His Coffin but New Life Was Short-lived, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 October 2024)

                     Nearly bested the Angel of Death...

As funeral prayers were being said over the coffin of Halit
Bayşu (86) at a mosque in Istanbul, sounds emerged from
the coffin - Halit bey was still alive!  He was taken to a 
hospital but after 2 hours of doctors' efforts he expired (again).

The incident occurred at Fatih Ayvansaray Hacı İlyas 
Yatağan Mosque. Halit bey's friend Erdoğan Baysal related
what happened: "There were about 10-15 of us and we were
all startled when sounds came from the coffin.  He (Halit
bey) was hitting the lid from inside and taking breaths. 
We were all in shock.  The medics came and began to 
apply shock treatment to his chest.  We heard that there
were great efforts to save him at the hospital but to no avail
in the end."

Turgay Tirit, another funeral attendee, said that "we went 
into the mosque and saw him in the coffin and there was
a pulse detector on his arm that read 120.  But it gradually
dropped to 55-56 so he was taken out of the coffin and 
put into the ambulance."

Halit bey's son Yiğit Bayşu said "the doctor told us he
had never witnessed such a thing in all his years as a 
doctor."   Nephew Osman Bayşu observed that "if we
hadn't heard the noise my uncle would have been buried
alive and died again all by himself."

Halit bey's faithful pooch...

9 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba

TNT Road Rage Edition: Drunken TIR Driver's Vehicular Homicide Adventure, in Konya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 October 2024)

                      Murder weapon.

The day before yesterday a  TIR (tractor trailer) driven by 
Muhammet Çat (23) who was  taking beets  from Karaman, 
Konya, to a sugar factory in Ereğli district, first hit a 
motorcycle driven by Yüksel Altınöz, killing both Altınöz
and his passenger Hasan Can. 

Next (!), Çat drove on and 20 minutes later he crashed his
TIR into a light truck driven by Süleyman Tezcan waiting
at a red light, injuring Tezcan and passenger Mustafa Can

Next (!), 10 minutes later and two kilometers ahead,  Çat
plowed into another vehicle at an intersection.  Finally,
Çat was arrested and found to have an alcohol blood 
content of 3.27 promil  (in other words, very drunk.)

8 Ekim 2024 Salı

Mardin's "Marilyn Monroe" Facing Jail Time After "Misfit" Customer Complains About Her Social Media Posting

türkçe links to original Turkish article and must-see video

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 3 October 2024)

must-see video! Marilyn the director says "cut!"

Marilyn slapped! in June 2022!

                Not the leading man she'd hoped for. 

Melek Akarmut (49), who lives in Mardin and is known as 
"Mardinli Marilyn Monroe" for her resemblance to the 
famous movie star,  shared a video of herself allegedly
being harassed in her shop by A.E. (25), on social media.

Taking umbrage at Melek hanım's posting, A.E. filed suit
against her, asking for a jail sentence of up to 6 years and
4 months.  A.E.'s lawyer "explained" that his client had
entered Melek hanım's shop to obtain information about
the products she sells.  But when she posted the shop's
security camera footage on social media, her accompanying
text was entitled"Deviant harasser" and she then wrote: 
"Don't round up the dogs, round up these types, put them
in a shelter and staple tags on their ears."

The lawyer asserted that his client A.E. had been belittled
before the public and his honor and respect diminished. (!)
He added that the video had been posted in violation of 
the law. 

The resemblance is uncanny...

Uzbek Women Fly Into Izmir With Gold Ingots Hidden in Their Vaginas

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 October 2024)

                        There's gold in them thar hills!

Customs officials received a tip that gold was being smuggled
into Turkey illegally.  In this regard, on 2 October police stopped
two cars leaving Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir, in which 6
Uzbek women who had come on a flight from Dubai and those
who met them at the airport were riding. 

A search of the suspects and the two cars resulted in the 
recovery on 82 gold ingots, each weighing 110 grams,  18
game consoles and joysticks, as well as 3 smartphones. 

Additionally, after a court order was obtained, the Uzbek 
women were  medically examined and another 84 gold ingots,
each weighing 110 grams, were recovered from their 
vaginas (!).  

The value of the 166 gold ingots, weighing a total of  
18.5 kilograms, was estimated at 55 million TL (about
$1.6 million).  The Uzbek women and an individual who
helped them were taken into custody and jailed. 

Uzbek women claim they were planning to make tea...


7 Ekim 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Drug Addict Son Drives Mother to Seek "Death-by-Cop", in Kahramanmaraş

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 October 2024)

                           Pistol-packin' mama!

In Kahramanmaraş the night before last, Birgül G. (45)
entered Necip Fazıl City Hospital's Maternity and Children's 
Diseases building gripping an unlicensed "pompalı tüfenk" 
(pump-action rifle) and shouted "Stop my heart!"  Birgül
hanım added that she had a bomb in her purse. (!)

Hospital security personnel apprehended Birgül hanım, who
was taken to a police station where she "explained" that she
didn't want to hurt anyone but her drug-addicted son was
driving her crazy: "I couldn't bear my son's torture anymore
so I wanted to commit suicide but couldn't bring myself to
do it.  I just thought that if they saw me with the rifle they'd
kill me and put me out of my misery."

After processing at the police station, Birgül hanım was
taken before a judge and arrested on charges of "threatening"
and "depriving someone of freedom".  She was then jailed.

6 Ekim 2024 Pazar

"Eat & Release": Firms Battle Over "Mantı" Customers, in Maltepe, Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 October 2024)

          It really is so good it's worth fighting over. 

Yesterday at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the Zümrütevler
neighborhood of Maltepe, Istanbul, there was an attack on a
"mantı" (dish prepared with paste, ground meat and yogurt)
bakery.  (!)

Customers of a "mantı" bakery in Izmir that had been shut 
down by the Agriculture Ministry had contacted the Maltepe 
bakery about supplying them with "mantı".  Hearing this, 
the owners of the censored Izmir firm came to Maltepe and 
a argument erupted, with the Izmirites shooting and 
wounding the Maltepe owner Sinan Balkaya and his sons
Caner and Aytaç Balkaya, all of whom were taken to a 
hospital for treatment. 

Police are pursing the Izmirites who fled the scene. 

For some yummy "mantı"...

5 Ekim 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": The Plague of Macho Men's Attacks on Women Continues Unabated, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 October 2024)

                The very sick mind of a young butcher. 

Yesterday at 1530 hours, Semih Çetin (19), first cut the throat of 
his former girlfriend Ayşenur Halil (19) in Istanbul's Eyüpsultan
district and then decapitated her (!).  Half an hour later, Çetin 
went to the home of his school friend İkbal Uzuner (19 in ) in 
Fatih district, decapitated her too and cut her body into six parts.
Next, Çetin went to the top of the Edirnekapı wall and after 
throwing the young girl's head to the ground he tied a rope 
around his own neck and jumped off the wall.  He was taken to 
a hospital, where he died. 

Çelik, a butcher by trade (!),  had been admitted to hospitals
five times before.  In a statement his father gave to the police
he said that his son had psychological problems (!).  In this
regard, a startling caricature found in Çetin's bedroom 
showed how he planned to kill İkbal Uzuner.

Çetin was a charter member...


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 October 2024)

Defending family honor ...in some twisted way.

In Istanbul's Beyoğlu district at 4 o'clock in the morning on 
1 October, Semir T. (31) and Ömer K. (27) followed İmemşan
K. (25), jumped her, pressed her up against a wall and began
to try to rape her.  İremşan hanım's screams brought passers-by 
to her rescue but the attackers claimed "she's my uncle's daughter".  
In response, the rescuers said "what difference does it make if 
she's your uncle's daughter!?"  (!)

Police took the attackers into custody but İremşan hanım did
not file a complaint against them so the two were released after
giving statements to the police. 

However (!),  in light of the long police records of Semir T.
and Ömer K., ranging from attempted rape to drug use to 
car theft and the video evidence of their attack on İremşan
hanım, the public prosecutor had them taken into custody
again and they were jailed on charges of "attempted rape"
and "kidnapping". 

Semir T. and Ömer K. have had problems with
women since childhood.

4 Ekim 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Another Vestless Cop Nearly Killed by "Suç Makineleri" (Incorrigible Criminals), in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 October 2024)

            "Suç makineleri" recalled by the factory. 

In Tuzla, Istanbul, police got a tip that fraud suspect Ferhat 
İnanç was hiding out  in the Tepeören Villalar apartment 
complex on Salkım Street in the Tepeören neighborhood. 
When police arrived to apprehend İnaç at 1700 hours they
were fired upon and policeman Adem Köş was seriously
wounded by a gunshot to his chest and one to his underarm.

Police called for back-up and more police swarmed to the
scene.  In the ensuing gun battle, suspect Emrah Erol was
killed and Çagrı Gündüz and İnaç were arrested.  

It turned out that Erol (26) had a police record of 19 crimes
and 10 search warrants for misdeeds ranging from attempted
murder to fraud.  Çağrı Gündüz (31) has a police record of
16 crimes and 1 search warrant for similarly serious illegal

In Turkey, police wear bulletproof vests only in special
operations and while standing guard.  Adem Köş's death
and that of policewoman Şeyda Yılmaz recently, might
have been prevented had they been wearing the vests. 

Şeyma Yılmaz click here for unpleasant details about
her killing by another "suç makinesi". 

3 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

"Shock & Release": Housemates Beat Youth Unconscious, "Revived" Him With Electricity That Killed Him, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 3 October 2024)

Police found that Karakaş had aged markedly from
the electric shock...dressed better too.

In Istanbul's Fatih district on the morning of 30 September, an
argument erupted between Yaşar Karakaş (18) and his four 
housemates over money.  Karakaş was beaten by the others and
passed out.  (Supposedly) in an effort to rouse him, the 
housemates shocked him with electricity (!) but this killed him

Police arrived at the scene and saw the bruises and burn marks
on Karakaş's body, prompting them to take the four housemates 
into custody, along with a woman who was in the house, too.  
It turned out that the housemates all have long police records: 
Ramazan K. (29) with 10, Cebrail K. (27) with 4, İsmail K. 
with 11, and Kadir K. (26) with 2.  

The woman taken into custody, Eda T., told police that "They
had a fight about money.  That day I was elsewhere but when
I came back to the house towards morning I saw that they had
beaten Yaşar and shocked him with electricity."  The other
suspects blamed each other for the murder and all were 
jailed. The police forensics lab will try to determine whether
Karakaş's death was caused by the beating or the electrical

2 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Punch-drunk Tunisian Kills Would-be Good Samaritan, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 October 2024)

                                 The fickle fist of fate.

At 0430 hours Sunday morning, two Tunisians named Wassim
Tounsi (30) and İlyes L.  hopped a fence and tried to enter a 
5-star hotel in Manavgat, Antalya. When the two were noticed
by security guards they began to flee.

At this time, hearing the commotion, Hilmi Çelik (67), who 
was working at the reception desk of the hotel next door, 
came outside and tried to stop the escaping Tunisians.  
Wassim Tounsi punched Çelik and jumped in a car in which
Amine H. (24) was sitting and left the scene. 

As the suspects fled, Çelik fell to the ground from the effect
of the punch, hit his head on the sidewalk and died.  The
Gendarmerie apprehended the suspects, who were taken to
the courthouse.  Tounsi was jailed while İlyes L. and Amine H.
were released. 

In his statement to police, Tounsi, whose residence in Turkey
is Bursa, "explained" that "we were pretty drunk that day.  I
know İlyes L. and Amine H. from Tunisia.  We  used to do 
acrobatic acts at hotels.  That day after work I made a 200 TL
bet with İlyes L. about climbing the hotel wall as a joke. As
he tried to climb the wall the security guards saw us so we 
ran toward our car.  But when someone came toward us I
punched him and then we ran away."

Yesterday, Çelik's son Süleyman Çelik went to retrieve his
father's body and said "I won't let this stand. My father 
worked around here for 30 years and was very beloved."

1 Ekim 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Deviant Child Molester's House Spray-painted by Irate Neighbors, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 October 2024)

                 The house needed a paint job anyway.

On 1 September in Çukurova, Adana, as 8-year-old boy E.B.,
who had come to visit his grandmother F.C., was playing in 
the street his ball accidentally landed on the balcony of M.M. 
(62) an auto repairman.  Telling the boy that he would return his 
ball, M.M. called E.B. to his house and sexually molested him.  
M.M. threatened E.B. not to tell anyone about the episode. 

However (!), on 8 September E.B. revealed what had happened
to his grandmother and his father O.B. (36).  When the local 
populace heard about it, they stormed M.M.'s house and tried
to lynch him.  Police arrived to rescue M.M. but he was then
jailed.  His house was spray-painted with words like "child
molester!", "shameless!" and "exploiter!". 

Father O.B. explained that his son was receiving psychological
treatment and he lamented that at a time when Turkey is 
mourning the fate of  little girls Narin and Sila, also victims
of adult molestation, a similar incident had befallen his 