16 Ekim 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Family Feud Sends Woman to Riverbottom With "Cobblestone Necklace", in Kırıkkale

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 October 2024)

                Not the kind of jewelry she'd hoped for.

Sevgi Gülden Yalçıner (47) left her home in Karaağil village
in Kırıkkale province's Çelebi district on 25 September but was
not heard from again.  Gendarmerie and AFAD (search &
rescue) teams began searching for her.  Given the likelihood
that murder was involved, the Gendarmerie took 12 suspects
into custody and those jailed included Sevgi Gülden hanım's 
siblings Ş.G. and Y.G., her neighbors D.G. and K.U., along 
with her boyfriend B.U.  

Ultimately, Sevgi Gülden hanım's body was found 19 days
later at the site of the Çeşnigir Bridge over the Kızılırmak
River.  An autopsy revealed that she had been shot dead with
a revolver.  It turned out that Sevgi Gülden hanım had been
in a dispute with her sibling over money that was being 
fought over in court and a decision was imminent. 

                     A 13th Century masterpiece.

Sevgi Gülden hanım was married but lived separately from
her husband.  After she was killed, her body was tied to
cobblestones with wire (!) and thrown in the river, where it
was discovered at a depth of 7 meters.  She was buried
in Kırşehir. 

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