10 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

"Decease & Release": He Wanted Out of His Coffin but New Life Was Short-lived, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 October 2024)

                     Nearly bested the Angel of Death...

As funeral prayers were being said over the coffin of Halit
Bayşu (86) at a mosque in Istanbul, sounds emerged from
the coffin - Halit bey was still alive!  He was taken to a 
hospital but after 2 hours of doctors' efforts he expired (again).

The incident occurred at Fatih Ayvansaray Hacı İlyas 
Yatağan Mosque. Halit bey's friend Erdoğan Baysal related
what happened: "There were about 10-15 of us and we were
all startled when sounds came from the coffin.  He (Halit
bey) was hitting the lid from inside and taking breaths. 
We were all in shock.  The medics came and began to 
apply shock treatment to his chest.  We heard that there
were great efforts to save him at the hospital but to no avail
in the end."

Turgay Tirit, another funeral attendee, said that "we went 
into the mosque and saw him in the coffin and there was
a pulse detector on his arm that read 120.  But it gradually
dropped to 55-56 so he was taken out of the coffin and 
put into the ambulance."

Halit bey's son Yiğit Bayşu said "the doctor told us he
had never witnessed such a thing in all his years as a 
doctor."   Nephew Osman Bayşu observed that "if we
hadn't heard the noise my uncle would have been buried
alive and died again all by himself."

Halit bey's faithful pooch...

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