14 Ekim 2024 Pazartesi

"Fleece & Release": Follow-up Report - Bridge Thief Gets 2.5 Year Jail Term, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 October 2024)

TNT's stolen bridge report from March 

            Bridge screamed: "Where's the rest of me?!"

Asserting that the 1936 Gömleksiz Bridge over the Kirmir 
Stream in Ankara's Beypazarı district "is mine", Ziya Kesğin 
sold it for scrap in January 2022, reaping 60,000 TL.  (!) Now,
though, Kesğin has been convicted on charges of  "theft-of-
bridge" and will serve 2.5 years in jail. 

The 500-meter Gömleksiz Bridge was in use for 42 years 
until flood damage made it unusable in 1978.  It was 
left idle as a new bridge was built nearby.  In 2022, the
Gömleksiz Bridge was demolished within a week and its
iron and other parts of value were stripped away.  

The legal owner of the bridge was the Highways General
Directorate but Kesğin "assumed ownership" of it and 
sold the scrap to junkmen Y.Ç. and D.K. for 60,000 TL.
However (!), a court case was opened against the three
and the verdict was delivered on 11 October, with Kesğin
convicted of theft and receiving a 2.5 year jail sentence.

The two junkmen were acquitted. 

The Kirmir Stream flows into the Sakarya River.

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