6 Kasım 2020 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Social Media Her Only Recourse After Court Releases Lout

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 November 2020)

Turns to the court of public opinion as her court of 
last resort. 

In Kayseri, Sibel Aslan, who has been brutalized by her divorced 
husband, has sought help on social media because her ex-husband
was taken into custody but released on judicial supervision. (!)

Sibel hanım married Onur D. in 2016 but within two months she
was being beaten by her husband, even while pregnant.  Onur D.
was jailed for three years but upon his release, the beatings resumed
and Sibel hanım filed for a divorce, which was granted last year.

Nevertheless, Sibel hanım has sought help on social media, sharing
pictures of her battered and bloodied face:

"Friends! Please help me!  I'm faced with an addict who says he'll
kill me and then himself.  Despite getting many restraining orders,
these have not stopped Onur.  I don't want to leave a tearful child
behind.  I don't want to be another news item about a woman's 
murder. Please be my voice before it's too late!"

Police went into action (!) and arrested Onur. D. but he was released
under judicial supervision.  He has left Kayseri for Muğla.  Hearing
of Onur D.'s release, Sibel hanım lamented that "I'm nervous and 
afraid now that he's free. That's why I'll do everything I can to get
him re-arrested."

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