31 Temmuz 2021 Cumartesi

Escort to the Stars

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 July 2021)


Arzum Koyuncu, famous astrologer, writer and life coach, has filed a 
criminal complaint with the Istanbul public prosecutor regarding Erken
Şavkın, whom Arzum hanım met with to discuss social media issues. 

According to Azrum hanım, after giving Şavkın 2,000 TL (about $250),
he did no work for her.  However (!), Arzum hanım claims that Şavkın 
somehow obtained her email password and stole her telephone list. One
of the phone numbers was that of Arzum hanım's friend Burcu P., who
lives in France.  

Şavkın then posted Burcu P.'s phone number on social media as if Arzum
hanım had, with this message: "This is the number of my assistant Burcu.
She's an escort. Give her a call."  Şavkın then opened a fake social media 
account, as if Arzum hanım was an escort herself.  

The court ordered that Şavkın stay away from Arzum hanım for 1 month.(!)

                   COVID doesn't believe in astrology.

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