12 Ocak 2023 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Drunken 'Auto-Drifter' Gets Police Attention, in Konya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 January 2023)

                           The audience he didn't want.

In Konya, driver Berat Tunca, who had an alcohol promil  rating of 2.48
(.50 is the limit for drivers), was caught 'drifting' with his car by police. 
When Tunca resisted arrest he was jailed and fined 60,744 TL ($3,233).

A traffic police patrol encountered Tunca engaged in 'drifting' on a street
in Selçuklu district.  When police ordered him to stop he fled, but based 
on his license plate number police were able to tail him on Yeni Istanbul
Avenue in the Bosna-Hersek neighborhood until Tunca hit the curb and
blew a tire.

                        Berat bey has a high drift rate.

The drunken Tunca was charged with "driving while under the influence
of alcohol, drifting, failure to heed an order to stop, changing lanes in 
a dangerous manner (!), running a red light, tinted windows and inordinate
exhaust.", amounting to the 60,744 TL fine.  For resisting arrest, he was


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