9 Ocak 2023 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Familial Procreation - His Wife's Siblings are His Children, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 January 2023)

If this family didn't have bad luck, they'd have no luck at all.

A remarkable story has emerged from a divorce case and related
fatherhood claim in Ankara courts.  According to the files, Vedat Ö.
was living in a village in Çankırı province when, at 16 years of age,
he had a fight with his father and moved in with his uncle M.K.  
While there, Vedat began to have an affair with M.K.'s wife S.K.  Then, 
upon his return from military service, Vedat Ö. married M.K. and S.K.'s 
older daughter F.Ö. (!) 

The newlyweds moved to Ankara but Vedat Ö. and S.K. continued their
affair.  Meanwhile, F.Ö. gave birth to two children from Vedat Ö., who
came down with a muscle disease that prompted marital problems with
F.Ö.   In the course of the ensuing divorce case, the abovementioned
"dirty laundry" came to light.  It turned out that M.K.'s two youngest 
children's father is, in fact, Vedat Ö. (!) 

So, as a result, Vedat Ö. is both the father and brother-in-law of F.Ö.'s 
two siblings.  M.K.'s two youngest children (!),  having learned
that Vedat Ö. is their father, have filed a paternity suit against him.  
F.Ö. finally learned that her husband had had a long-running affair with 
her mother S.K. and said "during the divorce proceedings, when my
husband told me that my siblings are his children I was shocked.  My
husband had a long affair with my mother and he turned out to be my
siblings' father." (!) 

The divorce and paternity suits were filed in 2022 in Ankara and are 
continuing, with DNA test results awaited.  When M.K. learned 
about S.K.'s affair with Vedat Ö. he divorced her. 

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