22 Eylül 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Sports Club Chief Slapped by Bully Underling, in Sakarya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 September 2024)

Sakaryaspor's slap-happy criminal ad man... 

A video of the president of the sports club Sakaryaspor being 
slapped by someone spread on social media the night before
last, prompting the Sakarya public prosecutor to investigate.

It turned out that the slapper was Sakaryaspor's director for
advertising and sponsorship Cengiz Şen.  The club's director
S.İ. took the video with his cellphone.  In the video, Şen
says to İn "You'll pay the 150,000 TL that Birol took! Do you
hear me?!"  and follows it up with two slaps to İn's face. (!) 
In response to the slaps, İn said humbly "OK my son. Calm
down. I have a heart problem.  You know that, right?"  

Şen, who has a police record on six crimes for "wounding"
and "threatening", was caught by police in Beşiktaş, Istanbul,
the day before yesterday, handcuffed behind his back and 
taken to jail.  

...slapped into jail.

S.İ. is still being sought by police, whereas İn,
who told those close to him after the video spread that "I'm
under threat!", fled Sakarya.  Consequently, police have not
gotten a statement from him. 

The video that came out was taken on Wednesday. The
incident has a relationship to the Sakaryaspor congress to
be held today with regard to candidates. 

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