30 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

When Wife Fails Driving Test 4th Time, Hubby Breaks Tester's Nose, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 September 2024)

Thought he'd finally get out of picking up the kids 
and mother-in-law.

In Adana, housewife Esma V. took her driver's license test for 
the fourth time (!) but because she didn't turn on her blinker
when turning at the Mustafa Kemal Paşa Boulevard intersection
in Yüreğir district, she failed again.  

Following the test car from behind was Esma hanım's husband
Murat V., who became enraged when his wife was denied her
license once more.  Murat bey took out his anger on test driver
Baddal A. and broke his nose with a punch. 

Baddal bey was taken to a hospital for treatment and he filed
a police complaint against Murat bey, who was then taken into
custody and brought to the Akıncılar police station. 

Baddal bey earning that big paycheck...

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