28 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi

"Fleece & Release": Diplomas of the Dead Sold and Rewritten by "Graduates", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 September 2024)

                 Don't forget to add "with high honors".

Diplomas of dead graduates (!) of  Yıldız Technical University 
(YTÜ) in Istanbul have been sold and rewritten by erasing the 
deceased's information to become the buyer's YTÜ "diploma".  

Recently, YTÜ diplomas have been sold to individuals with no 
links to YTÜ and even posted on "e-Devlet" (Turkey's record 
system for citizens).  It turns out that the systems of a software 
company that works with universities all around Turkey was 
supposedly hacked.  Gökmen Çiftçi, the founder of Proliz 
Software Company denied that his company's system was 
hacked and explained what happened.

"We put our system into operation in 2009 and a total of 101
universities in Turkey were using our system for their academic
activities.  After each university approved and confirmed 
diplomas we would send them to YÖKSİS" (computer system
of the High Academic Council).  So the information on e-Devlet
is from YÖKSİS, not from us."

"Our system wasn't hacked and there wasn't a leak from it. This
incident happened when the password of a YTÜ user was stolen.
Then, the hoodwinkers showed 8 people as having graduated
and sent this information to YÖKSİS.  Normally, a living 
person's data might be detected as fraudulent but not a dead
person's because they're not around to make a complaint.
In any case, the diplomas of deceased graduates can no longer
be changed in the YTÜ system."

YTÜ's two campuses...both near cemeteries.

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