21 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release". Woman, Stabbed 7 Times by Ex-Husband, Jailed - Classic Case of Upside Down Justice, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 September 2024)

                     What's wrong with this picture?

Sinem T. was stabbed seven times by her former husband 
Sinan Özçelik in front of their children.  However (!),
because Sinem hanım would not allow Özçelik to see their
11 and 13-year-old daughters she was given a 3-day jail
sentence. (!!)  She entered jail on 16 September and was
released 72 hours later for a heartfelt reunion with her kids.

Sinem hanım (33), works in a beauty salon in Ankara and
divorced her physically abusive husband Özçelik (41) two 
years ago.  Last year on 24 October, Özçelik stabbed Sinem
hanım 7 times, causing her to stay in intensive care for 10
days.  With difficulty, she recovered her health. 

Özçelik was tried for attempted murder and jailed but 
released 9 months later (!).  Based on Sinem hanım's 
objection, Özçelik was re-arrested.  He, though, filed a 
complaint against Sinem hanım for not letting him see their 
daughters and she was sentenced to 3 days in jail (!).  Sinem 
hanım left the girls with her father H.T. and surrendered to 
police on 16 September and entered Sincan Closed Prison.

Upon her release, Sinem hanım said that "I want my 
children to study law and become lawyers or prosecutors
or judges so they can find ways to prevent people like me
from being punished unjustly."

Courthouse wrongly depicted rightside up.


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