11 Ekim 2020 Pazar

Techno-Unsavvy Jewel Thieves Foiled by GPS

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 October 2020)

"Damn these kids today with their sneaky gadgets!"

Convicted thief Sultan Göçer (64) was released from prison three 
months early because her age put her in a risk category for COVID-19.
But as soon as Göçer left jail, her old life was waiting for her as her
cohorts Ismet Yılmaz (69) and Ahmet Yılmaz (46) met her at the 
prison gate.

The thieves first matter of business was to rent a car and roam from city
to city robbing jewelry stores.  Their technique prescribed crowded 
stores where they could distract the salesperson with chatter about
supposedly buying gold and then deftly direct some of the gold into their
pockets.  Kars was their last stop on the robbery tour and they made off
with 35,000 TL (about $4,500) worth of gold bracelets.

                      Sneaky gadget.

Kars jeweler Hüseyin Sacu didn't realize until that evening that he had
been robbed, when he counted his remaining gold and checked the 
security camera footage.   Police in Kars also checked the video and
determined that the thieves were (evidently unknowingly) driving a 
rental car with a GPS device within it, allowing them to track the 
robbers' progress across Turkey and find them in Ankara, where they 
were apprehended and jailed the day before yesterday.

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