9 Mart 2021 Salı

Dramamine For Dog Nixed by Health Center Doctors in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 9 March 2021)

       First, do no harm (to dogs or insurance companies).

In Bayrampaşa, Istanbul, Aynur E. went to the Cevatpaşa Family Health
Center wanting the doctors there to write a prescription "for my dog's 
treatment", which she could submit to SGK (insurance provider).  The 
medicine in question is used for humans (dramamine) to treat motion 
sickness but in large doses it can produce delirium and hallucinations, 
and it is not sold without a prescription. 

In response, Dr. Faruk Çolakoğlu told Aynur hanım that she should have
a veterinarian prescribe this medicine for her dog, but since it requires a 
prescription she probably could still not obtain it.    In any case, 
Dr. Çolakoğlu explained to Aynur hanım that "we cannot write a 
prescription in your name for a dog" and asked her to leave the health

Undeterred, Aynur hanım came back in the following days and asked 
other doctors for the prescription but none of them would write it.  So, 
Aynur hanım wrote to the Presidency Communication Center (CİMER) 
to file a complaint and succeeded in having an investigation started into 
the health center doctors. (!)   One question posed to the doctors by 
CIMER was: "what do you have to say about telling Aynur F., when
she asked you to write a prescription for D(dramamine) for her dog, 
that 'we are not veterenians' and that you shoo'd her away with a hand

Dr. Çolakoğlu lamented that "this is a tragicomic incident, fit for a 
Levent Kırca (late famous Turkish comedian) sketch.  I told her that
we couldn't write the prescription and said that if she had no other 
health complaint she ought to leave.  The medicine she wanted requires
a prescription and its misuse can cause problems.  It's even on the 
government's list of controlled medicines.  We are careful about 
prescribing it for humans and writing a prescription for it for a dog is 
illegal.  Also, us writing the prescription would amount to a fraud 
against SGK."

Family doctor Muhammet Şahin is involved in a court case with 
Aynur hanım and he even filed a "Beyaz Kod" (attack against a 
health worker) complaint against her because when Dr. Şahin told 
Aynur F. that "there are no vaccinations given at our health center" she 
responded angrily, saying "why aren't you giving vaccinations?! 
You think you're like Sultans! Scoundrels!"

            Levent Kırca was more of a goat lover, anyway.

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