türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 28 August 2018)
All the Washington-area Motel-6's were booked up.
DEİK (Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Council), which manages
relations between the Turkish private sector and foreigners, is organizing
an annual conference from 22 to 24 October in the United States. As if
there is no other place for the conference, the Trump Hotel in
Washington has been selected as the venue. (!)
So while in the face of U.S. economic sanctions against Turkey, President
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is urging citizens to change their dollars into
Turkish lira, about 300 businessmen will be spewing dollars in the
Trump International Hotel, of all places (!), in October.
Meanwhile, according to the Wall Street Journal, Turkish businessman
Bekir Okan is having a skyscraper built in Miami, to be finished in 2022,
which will have 389 apartments selling for between $318,000 and $1.9
million. So far 45 Turks have purchased apartments in the building.
People are wondering who are these rich Turks investing dollars in
U.S. real estate.

Okan, right, believes that rich Turks need a home away from
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