türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Milliyet Newspaper, 3 August 2018)
//Ed. Note: this is an update of a story TNT reported in May

The fast-breeding and stubbornly eradication-resistant 12-toothed
beetles that have been in Turkey since 1960 have met their match
in the red ants unleashed against them at the Çankaya Köşk (palace)
in Ankara. The beetles and schranks eat trees, but in 2017 four
colonies of the red ants taken from the Çamlıdere Management
Directorate deployed against them.
The ministry overseeing the red ant deployment in a 4-hectare
section of the palace grounds is pleased by the results so far.
The damage the beetles and schranks inflict is 5 times worse than
fires and up to now, each year 300-400,000 square-meters of trees
have had to be cut because of the damage caused by the bugs.
In each of the 12,809 colonies of red ants transported to the forests
around Turkey in 2017, there was one queen and 300,000 workers.
These ants work in a 80-meter area and eat the eggs, larva and
adolescent beetles and schranks to significantly reduce their ill
The Çankaya Köşk in Ankara was the presidential residence
up until the current president built a new palace for himself.
The Köşk then began to be used as the Prime Minister's
residence but, with the new system, there's no PM anymore.
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