türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 12 August 2018)
A pioneer of a new generation of driving?...
hands-free driving see recent TNT reporting on this alarming
Police in Kırklareli set up a traffic stop on the Istanbul highway but
they were amazed when Tuncer Varlı (38), the driver of a vehicle
with plate number 34 RVZ 29, emerged from his car with both his
arms cut off at the elbow. (!)
Varlı had neither a license or car registration with him but it turned
out that he was being sought by police on unrelated charges
related to using someone else's ID card, theft and violations of the
electronic communications law.
Two years ago Varlı was electrocuted while committing a robbery,
resulting in the loss of both his arms below the elbow.
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