türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 31 July 2018)
No comment...sigh.
The incident occurred in İslahiye district of Gaziantep province.
Tea house owner Ahymet Çiğit (45) and kebap shop owner Mehmet Y.
(40) got into an argument about sweeping fallen leaves toward each
other's storefront. Hearing the commotion, Çiğit's twin 16-year-old
sons Doğukan and Batuhan joined the fight.
Mehmet Y. grabbed a knife from his shop, stabbed the three Çiğits
and fled. Onlookers called for an ambulance and the stabbing victims
were brought to İslahiye State Hospital but Doğukan could not be
saved. Ahmet and Batuhan Çiğit were transferred to a hospital in
Gaziantep for further treatment.

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