türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 14 August 2018)

Hey, why not the best?...relatively speaking.
There is yet another example of 'torpil' (favoritism and nepotism) in
the bureaucracy. A job placement test given at Sivas Cumhuriyet
University was won by the wives and children of the university's
academicians. (!) In a statement to Sözcü by the university's General
Secretary Hakan Yekbaş, he asserted that "in these appointments
there is no question of favoritism toward hiring relatives. Everyone
enters the examination under the same conditions and the successful
ones win. People who can't stomach the new administration are
seeing their unearned income faucets plugged and are resorting to
In any case, here are the results of the test:
* Ömer Faruk Alacahan, the son of Economics and Administrative
Sciences Faculty academician Dr. Osman Alcahan, has been
appointed as an expert in the rector's office;
* Mehtap Çiftçi, the wife of Rector Advisor and Education Faculty
Assistant Dean Dr. Taner Çiftçi, has taken a job in the Health
Services Profession School;
* Alev Orhan Yıldızeli, the wife of Education Faculty Assistant
Dean Dr. Ahmet Turan Orhan, has taken a job in the Senior
Professional School;
* Kaan Çimen, the son of Deputy Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çimen,
has become an assistant in the Medical Faculty Anatomy
* Neval Kılavuz, the wife of Social Sciences Institute Deputy
Director Dr. Raci Kılavuz, has become a teacher in the Health
Services Senior Professional School;
* Dr. Derya Fatma Biçer, the wife of Rector Advisor Dr. Enis
Baha Biçer, has become the Director of the Cumhuriyet Senior
Professional School;
* Prof. Dr. Ali Aksu, the brother of Literature Faculty Dean Prof.
Dr. Hacı İbrahim Delice, has become the dean of the Education
* Vural Ercins, the older brother of Suşehri Timur Karabal Senior
Professional School Director Gülay Ercins, has become the chief
of the university's Construction and Technical Office.
As for the acadmicians themselves, they defended their relatives'
appointments as follows:
* Taner Çiftçi: "There's no favoritism here. We have never done
anything unjust!"
* Alev Orhan: "My ALES and language scores are high. I was
first in my class in the doctoral program at Hacettepe U. There
was no favoritism whatsoever!"
* Osman Alacahan: "There was a test, my son entered and won.
Should he not get the job because his father is an academician?!"
*Mehmet Çimen: "There are only a few children of anatomy
,experts who want to be anatomy specialists and Kaan is one
of them!"
* Raci Kılavuz: "my wife is a very capable person and she
did well on the test.There's no 'torpil' (favoritism)!"
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