türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 17 August 2018)
Even the Nazis wouldn't do this.
In Köyceğiz district of Muğla province, Y.D., a teacher of Religious
Culture and Morality Knowledge (!). shared a photo on Facebook of
a cicada taped to a table with headphones on either side of it. The
note with the posting, written in the local dialect, said "hey, damned
insect filling my ears with noise since early morning, now it's your
Too much information.
However, the posting generated negative reactions. HAYDOS (the
Muğla friends-of-animals association) chief Türkan Dağdelen
stated that "We have filed a complaint against this teacher with the
National Education Ministry for giving a bad example to students.
Once again we must think about who we are entrusting our children
to. I think that this person, supposedly an educator, has serious
psychological problems. No normal person would do such a thing."
Y.D. prefers birds to cicadas.
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