13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba

Cat Torments Firefighters During Rescue

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 May 2020)

Otomobilin motorundan çıkarılan kedi, itfaiye aracının motoruna girdi
                               "Catch me if you can!"

In Çanakkale, Gökhan Topay got in his car to go to work yesterday
morning but about a kilometer later at a stop light, Topay heard the
sound of a cat coming from his car's motor compartment.  Topay
opened the hood and tried to extract the cat but without success, so
he called the fire department.

Firefighters arrived at the scene and began to search for the cat,
which got spooked by the searchers and hid itself deeper inside the
motor compartment.  Then, all of a sudden, the cat erupted from the
car and sought refuge inside the fire truck parked behind the car (!).
The firefighters got under their vehicle to try to locate the cat, which
had snuggled in one of the rear wheel-wells.

 Otomobilin motorundan çıkarılan kedi, itfaiye aracının motoruna ...
                 There's no escape from "the apparatus".

As the firefighters reached for the cat it flew out of the wheel-well
and hid in the fire truck's motor compartment.  Finally, using some
sort of apparatus (not further identified!), the firefighters extracted
the cat, which then fiercely resisted getting into the waiting cat-
carrier basket.

One of the sweat-stained firefighters remarked: "We worked for an
hour to save the cat.  It really gave us a run for our money. Quite
agile and with no intention of getting caught!"

Çanakkale Fiziki Haritası – Çanakkale | Çanakkale Tanıtım ...


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