31 Temmuz 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Spare the Rope, Spoil the Child, in Adana

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 July 2024)

 Actually, dad wanted his son to train for the next Olympics.

In Yüreğir, Adana, Mahcub H. (51), a Syrian farm worker, decided to 
punish his son Ahmet H. (13) for fighting with his friends.  So (!),
Mahcub H. tied one end of a rope around his son's waist and the other
end to his motorized wagon, forcing his son to run for some number of 
meters behind the moving vehicle. 

This "punishment" was caught on video by a passer-by and shared on
social media.  As a result, Yüreğir police determined where Mahcub H.'s
family's tent was located and, together with a team from the child-
protection bureau, they conducted a raid, taking Mahcub H. into custody.
Ahmet H. and his mother Halide M. were brought to the Bureau for Family 
and Violence Against Women Affairs. 

29 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Impounded Luxury Cars Exfiltrated by Gang Throughout Turkey - Value $22.7 Million (!)

türkish links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 July 2024)

                            Nice ride! (might have been)

Police in Istanbul determined that a number of luxury cars impounded in
police lots for a long time had been quietly removed with fake documents.  
It turned out that a gang, in league with some bureaucrats, had conspired 
to steal the cars, which were "sold" to gang members by means of the 
fake documents.  Subsequently, the cars appeared in dealerships for sale 
to real customers.  The total value of the fraud was put at 750 million TL 
(about $22.7 million) (!).

Nabbed in the police sting was O.K., the deputy chief of a debt and 
bankruptcy office.  Although his electronic signature was on the fake
documents he denied guilt but was jailed anyway.  Next, police launched
raids in Istanbul, Diyarbakır, İzmir, Manisa, Mersin, Bilecik, Kırıkkale
and Kocaeli simultaneously on 23 July, taking 24 people, three of them
women, into custody.  Seven of them were officials working in notary
offices. 14 of those taken into custody were jailed. 

After four days of interrogation, the leader of the gang was identified
as Kerim A., who previously managed a parking lot (of course).  Serdar Ö., 
a secretary at the courthouse, was charged with having prepared 
computer printouts for the cars.  31 vehicles that the gang planned to
take from impoundment lots and sell were seized, whereas police
determined that 22 cars were successfully exfiltrated from the lots and
sold, but 18 of them were retaken by police. 

Among those arrested was a shepherd (!) named H.I., in whose name
7 luxury cars were registered.  During police questioning, H.I. explained
that he didn't even know the makes of the cars and just agreed to join
the gang for the money. 

Shepherd H.I. admitted that he got a bit carried away.

One of the cars involved was a BMW once owned by Reza Zarrab, who
was involved in a high-level bribery scandal in Turkey about 10 years
ago and who spent time in various U.S. prisons after fleeing there. 

"Beat & Release": Youths Steal Swimmer's Phone on Beach But Get Cuffed and Pepper Sprayed, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 July 2024)

"What about my rights?! Don't I get to make a phone call?!"

Yesterday at about 1030 in the morning at the Konyaaltı Beach Park in
Muratpaşa, Antalya, a swimmer got into an argument with 5 youths who
stole his telephone while he was in the water.  The five demanded 4,000
TL (about $120) to return the phone and, as the argument grew more 
heated, police were called.

The five suspects resisted the police with paper cutters and a small camp 
axe, but were neutralized with pepper spray used by the reinforced police
units.  A search for the stolen telephone was fruitless.  All the suspects
were handcuffed with their hands behind their backs and one of them, 
badly affected by the pepper spray, was put under a beach shower by
police to clear his eyes. 

28 Temmuz 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Insult to Atatürk Sparks Tokat-Mersin Feud on Social Media and Leaves One Dead In Real Life

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(OdaTV website, 28 July 2024)

Another social media collateral casualty.

Mustafa Günel, the married father of one child, lives in Zile district of
Tokat province.  When Vesile Yiğit posted a message on social media 
that Günel considered insulting to Atatürk he criticized it.  This led to a
heated argument between the two over social media and, ultimately, 
Günel sent Vesile hanım the "konum" (coordinates) for his house in Zile,
essentially challenging her to come and have it out face to face. (!)

Undaunted, Vesile hanım, who lives in Mersin (!), hopped in her car with
her husband İsak Yiğit, son Hakan Yiğit (20) and Halil İbrahim Yeşil (20)
and Caner Gündüzlü (21), and headed straight for Zile.  

When Günel saw the group arrive at his house in Zile he went outside to
confront them.  However (!), the group beat him up so he retreated to his 
house, grabbed a hunting rifle and opened fire on the Mersinites, killing
Vesile hanım's husband İsak.  She and the others then fled the scene in
their car.  Günel was taken into custody by police and an investigation 
has been started. 

"Beat & Release": Car Thief Has Tried to Get Arrested 53 Times...but Can't, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 July 2024)

           He's heard prison food is worth getting in for.

In Maltepe, Istanbul, on 7 March, 30 April and 2 May telephones, 
computers and other technological items were stolen from parked cars.
Police determined that the thief was S.C. who used a "jammer" device
to unlock the cars electronically.  

Police arrested S.C. at noon on 23 July and the "jammer" was found on
his person.  It turned out that S.C. has a record of 53 (!) previous crimes
of this nature.  At times when the "jammer" didn't work to unlock the
cars S.C. smashed the windows to take whatever he could find in the cars.

Yet, when S.C. was brought to court on 24 July he was released (!) on 
judicial supervision. 

27 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Police Track Victim's Phone to Solve 4-Month Old Murder, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 July 2024)

                               Park at your own risk.

When the family of Murat Arlı (61), a parking attendant at the Adana bus
terminal, didn't hear from him they filed a missing person report with the
police.  As the search for Arlı began, the decomposed body of a male 
wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in a sack was found on the seashore in
Karataş district. The body was determined to be Arlı's. 

Police tracked Arlı's phone by means of its IMEI number and saw that a
signal was coming from Kars, four months after Arlı's disappearance. 
Police then determined that the phone was being used by the son of 
Atilla Cücü (65), who worked alongside Arlı at the Adana bus terminal. 

The son explained to police that his father had sent him the phone to 
use by cargo.  As a result, Cücü, his son and three others were taken into
custody.  Cücü confessed to killing Arlı, saying that "we were drinking 
together and argued. In a moment of anger, I beat him to death.  I wrapped
his body in a sack, carried it on my motorcycle and threw it in a drainage
canal."  Cücü was jailed and the four others were released on judicial

A life goes down the drain...

26 Temmuz 2024 Cuma

"Beached and Release": Mysterious "Self-Drive" Jet-Ski Beaches Itself on Istanbul's Black Sea Shore

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 July 2024)

self-drive riders beware!

            Probably just a sea-taxi with a software hiccup. 

A "self-drive" automated sea vessel of unknown origin, but thought to be
used for human trafficking, beached itself on Istanbul's Çatalca shore. The
incident occurred at about noon yesterday at Akalan village when 
lifeguards on the beach spotted the "jet-ski"-type vessel. 

The lifeguards alerted the Gendarmerie and security measures were taken
around the vessel's perimeter.  The Coast Guard quickly sent an 
immigration control team to the site.  The vessel is 3 meters long, one
meter wide and was thought to have come from the northern part of 
the Black Sea.  An "S.A.S." (underwater defense group) team arrived
at Yalıköy to secure the vessel.

25 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Putting Illegal Migrant in Trunk Costs Smugglers a Few More Years in Jail

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 July 2024)

                              Baggage class travel.

On 23 March in Reyhanlı district of Hatay province a car driven by Ahmet
Sert fled a police checkpoint but was stopped and an illegal migrant 
emerged from the trunk of the car.  Syrian Abdulsettar el Hamit had paid
Sert and Salih Kılıç $1,700 to smuggle him to Antalya.  

In his statement, Sert "explained" that the car belonged to his uncle; that
they picked up a hitchhiker not realizing he was a migrant (!); and put the
hitchhiker in the trunk in a panic when they saw the police.  Nevertheless, 
the court convicted Sert and Kılıç to 5 years in prison for human 
trafficking.  However (!), the court also ruled that putting el Hamit in the
trunk was an insult to his honor so the sentences were increased to 9 years
4 months and 15 days.  

24 Temmuz 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": This "Gypsy President" Would Be A Great Tyrant, in Muğla

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 July 2024)

Central casting couldn't find a better fit. He's got "the look".

In Muğla, Soner Başkan (50, whose surname means "president" or 
"chief") was jailed for tying a rope to the neck and feet of his wife
M.B. (71!) and then beating her.  In his statement to police, Başkan
"explained" that his wife hid his medicine and would not give it to
him, derisively calling him "gypsy", as well:

"When she insulted me by calling me 'gypsy' I got angry so I slapped 
her face three times.  Next, I sat her on the couch in the living room 
downstairs, tied her up with rope and cables and secured the ends by 
tying them to the safe and the staircase banister.  Then I sat opposite 
her and smoked a cigarette while I watched her suffer.  She wanted 
food and water but I didn't give her either.  When she asked for a 
cigarette I flicked my butt in front of her." (!) 

Başkan left the house but when he returned the Gendarmerie had 
arrived - she had alerted them to her situation with a phone app 
(KADES).  Başkan expressed no regrets, though, saying that his
wife had provoked him.  He accepted the charges leveled against 
him - "kidnapping" and "wounding".  

Soner bey wants to join this exclusive club.

23 Temmuz 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": 10 Years Later Man's Remains Found in Earthquake Rubble, Ex-Wife and 2 Brothers Charged, in Malatya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 July 2024)

        It took an earthquake to foil the perfect crime.

At the beginning of  2014 Hüseyin Bağatur (36) and his wife Hediye 
Geçit, both living in Malatya's Doğanşehir district, decided to divorce.  
Shortly afterwards Hüseyin bey disappeared (!) and Hediye hanım had
a new house built for her and her three children. 

During the earthquake that occurred on 6 February 2023 Hediye hanım's
new house collapsed.  Hüseyin bey's relatives noticed that Hediye hanım
frequently came to the area where the house was and, their suspicions
aroused, they notified the police. 

In the course of the renewed investigation into Hüseyin bey's 
disappearance, police tapped Hediye hanım's phone and observed that
she was frequently in contact with brothers Rıza and Bayram Türker
and that the subject of their conversations was the collapsed house's
rubble.  Police also determined that when the house was being built
in 2014 the Türker brothers' phone signals were detected in that area. 

With a search warrant, police had a sniffer dog roam the rubble and
(sure enough!) the dog reacted to some bones which police assumed
to be those of Hüseyin bey, missing for 10 years.  The bones have been
sent to the police forensic lab for DNA analysis and Hediye hanım,
along with the Türker brothers, have been jailed. 

22 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Just Out of Jail, He Died in a Fight on the Shore, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 July 2024)

                                Shoulda stayed in jail.

Serdar Ala was released from prison two days ago.  Last night, though,
at 0230 hours he got into an argument with 3 individuals on a 
restaurant-boat at the Avcılar marina.  As the argument grew more
heated, Ala threw glasses at his opponents, after which everyone went
onto the shore to continue the fight. 

At this point, Ala pulled the trigger of his gun pointed at Onur Ö., 
Eray A. and Hüseyin E. but the gun jammed, allowing Eray A. to 
stab Ala over and over with a knife.  Onur Ö. and Hüseyin E. then 
threw the wounded Ala into the sea. 

Somehow, Ala got himself out of the water, only to jump back in as
the three chased him.  Bystanders called the police who took the three
into custody and sent Ala to a hospital, where he died.  A police diver
searched in vain for the knife at the Ambarlı shore.  All four of the 
participants in the mayhem have/had long police records. 

20 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Six Dead Pedestrians Blamed After Speeding Car Hit Them, in Konya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 July 2024)

    Pedestrians are invisible to drivers until they hit them.

Last November in Konya's Selçuklu district construction worker Seva
Selvi (20) hit a bunch of pedestrians with his speeding car as they tried
to cross the street after getting off a tram.  Six of the pedestrians were
killed and four others were injured, including Naz Övüş (16), who was
in Selvi's car. 

The resulting accident report assigned a "secondary" fault to Selvi but
put the bulk of the blame on the pedestrians for walking in an unguarded
zone, despite the fact that Selvi was driving at a speed of between 111
and 120 kilometers per hour in an area where the speed limit was 82
kilometers per hour. (!)

In any case, the jailed Selvi faces from 2 to 15 years in prison, once the
court issues the final sentence. 

Risk-reduction tips...but no guarantee.

19 Temmuz 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Nearly Blind Pregnant Woman "Dives" Into Open Sewer Hole, in Samsun

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 July 2024)

                       Not the diving they had in mind.

In Atakum district of Samsun province the day before yesterday, while
walking along the street with her sight-impaired husband Emrah Dalgıç
(whose surname means "diver"), Gülderen Durna Dalgıç, who is also
sight-impaired, fell into a sewer opening because the cover had been 
removed. (!) 

As Emrah bey tried to rescue his wife, he hit his head on the ground.
Workers came to the aid of both of them and extracted Gülderen Durna
hanım from the open sewer.  They were both taken to Ondokuz Mayıs
University Medical School Hospital for treatment. 

Emrah bey was released from the hospital that same evening. Gülderen
Durna hanım, who is pregnant, remained there for observation.  The
couple filed a complaint against the fırm that left the sewer cover off.

Emrah bey, who lost his sight in a traffic accident 10 years ago, 
related that "my wife put her cane down to the right but when she
stepped to her left she fell in the sewer.  I held on to her but fell and
smacked my head on the ground.  The workers came and wondered
why we had walked that way, since they had put warning cones around
the open sewer. I told them we were both sight-impaired.  In any case,
they helped to get my wife out of the hole.  These kinds of incidents 
happen a lot in our country.  Does someone have to die before they get
fixed?! I am going to pursue this case to the end!"

With regard to the couple's unborn child, Emrah bey said "They're 
listening to the baby's heartbeat, which is diminishing.  There may 
need to be a cesarian operation.  We're fearful. I just want my wife's
and my child's health to return to normal."

18 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": TV Repairman Brings the Hammer Down, in Nazilli

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 July 2024)

      Sometimes it's better to miss your favorite TV show.

In Nazilli district of Aydın province the evening before last at about
eight-thirty, TV repairman Mehmet G. (46) went to the two-story home
of Hulusi Duran (65) to fix the TV.   However (!), an argument erupted
between the two, prompting Mehmet G. to smack Hulusi bey in the
head and chest with his hammer.  When Hulusi bey's wife Nakşiye (60),
daughter Hatice G. (37) and granddaughter Beyza (6) intervened Mehmet
G. smacked each of them on their heads with his hammer. 

Neighbors heard the commotion and called the Gendarmerie.  Meanwhile,
some other neighbors nabbed Mehmet G. as he was trying to flee.  Hulusi
bey's skull and chestbone were fractured and Nakşiye hanım and little
Beyza suffered bleeding in their brains from the hammer blows.  Hatice
hanım was in good condition.  Mehmet G. was taken into custody by the

16 Temmuz 2024 Salı

"Beach & Release": Coast Guard Officers Make Unusual Beach Rescue at Night, in Zonguldak

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 July 2024)

Beach atmosphere: the difference is like day and night...

At 11 o'clock the night before last, Ahmet B., working at a facility at 
Kapuz Beach in Zonguldak, wanted the remaining patrons to leave the 
facility.  However (!), Murat K. and Hakan G., who were drinking 
alcohol, wanted to stay a bit longer.  An argument ensued and then the 
three began punching and kicking each other.  

Ahmet B. left the scene but soon returned with a gun and began firing
on the others, injuring both Murat K. and Hakan G.  Two off-duty Coast 
Guard officers fired into the air to intervene and police and medics 
arrived to take the wounded to a hospital, where they remain in good
condition. Ahmet B. was taken into custody by police. 

15 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Bizarre Version of "Friends", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 July 2024)

In Kağıthane, Istanbul, last Saturday, Serdar Kaya (50), together with 
his friend Hakan B., went to see his girlfriend Zahide B. to talk over 
some of their problems.  However (!), as soon as Kaya entered the 
house Zahide hanım locked the door and she and her friend Seher Ö.
held Kaya's arms, preventing him from escaping. 

As for Kaya's friend Hakan B., he remained outside and was threatened
with a gun by the two women.  Meanwhile, Fikret Ö., said to be in a
relationship with Zahide hanım, stabbed Kaya 15 times with a fruit 
knife.  Hakan B. took Kaya to a hospital, where he died. 

Police arrived and took Fikret Ö., Zahide B., Emre K.and Seher Ö. into
custody.  In her statement to police, Seher hanım "explained" that she
first threw the fruit knife in the toilet but then cleaned it and put in a
kitchen drawer.  

In any case, Fikret Ö., Zahide B. and Seher Ö. were jailed and Emre K.
was released, despite having 11 crimes on his police record.  Fikret Ö.
has two on his police record. 

13 Temmuz 2024 Cumartesi

"Fleece & Release": Social Media Phenom Arrested, Hubby Throws Her "Under the Bus", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 July 2024)

                                 The crying game.

In the scope of an investigation into social media phenoms by the public
prosecutor in Küçükçekmece, Istanbul, 65 suspects were rounded up, 
including Neslim and İnanç Güngen, and charged with a laundry list
of financial crimes. 

When Neslim hanım emerged from the police station after being charged
she was smiling and waving her long hair around.  However (!), coming
off the police bus at the courthouse she was crying.  She declared that 
 "everything we did was transparent! Any government agency can come
and examine our operations."

Her husband İnanç Güngen, though, threw Neslim hanım "under the bus",
so to speak, saying "I produced the devices but Neslim handled all the 
paperwork, telling me she'd registered with the Health Ministry.  The
company is in my name but Neslim took care of everything." (!)

Workers at their company gave statements to the police about fake
receipts, harmful cosmetics and medicines with deadly side effects.
The workers claimed they warned Neslim hanım about this but she
made them sell the products anyway.  In total 17 suspects were sent to
court with a request that they be jailed. 

The unhappy couple in happier days...


11 Temmuz 2024 Perşembe

"Fleece & Release": Florentina's Sleight-of-Hand Dupes Realtor Out of 400K Euros, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 July 2024)

             They don't know each other...yeah, right.

English citizen Florentina G. called M.G., a realtor in Istanbul, saying that 
she wanted to buy a luxury home for her company and would share the 
800,000 Euro commission with M.G.  Florentina told him that "I'll arrange
the sale but I want to see that you have that amount of money."  She then
came to Istanbul and in M.G.'s office, with sleight-of-hand, she switched 
the Euro-fillled envelope he gave her with Iranian riyals and fled to Paris (!).

It happened this way: in Kağıthane, Istanbul, M.G. put an add out to sell
a luxury flat for 3.2 million Euros.  A few days later,  Florentina called him
from England, saying she wanted to buy the flat for her company and
adding that they ought to show the flat's value as 4 million Euros and 
split the 800,000 Euro commission.  

On the morning of 3 July, Florentina arrived in Istanbul from London 
with her co-conspirator and lover Romanian Gianı Nicosur S.  However,
the two pretended not to know each other and boarded separate taxis at
the airport.  In Kağıthane at M.G.'s office, Florentina took the envelope
M.G. gave her containing 400,000 Euros, checked it and put it in her bag. 
She then took "it" out again, gave it to M.G. and left his office.

However (!), when M.G. subsequently opened the envelope he found to
his shock and dismay that it was filled with Iranian riyals, rather than
Euros, worth about 5,000 TL (about $150).  

Police reviewed camera images in an effort to track down Florentina.
They discovered that after leaving M.G.'s office she went to the Covered
Bazaar and bought a new outfit for herself to change her appearance.  
Next, Florentina sat in a restaurant in Aksaray and got up and went to the 
bathroom, followed by Gianı Nicosur S.  About 30 seconds later, the
two emerged from the bathroom but, again, pretended not to know each

At the airport, police were able to nab Gianı Nicosur S. with a portion
of M.G.'s Euros as he was boarding a flight to Munich.  As for Florentina,
though, she was able to flee on a flight to Paris.  In his statement to police
Gianı Nicosur S. claimed that he didn't know Florentina before coming to
Istanbul and that they met during a one-night stand (!).  He also claimed
that the money found on him was his own.  Police are pursuing Florentina
and any other co-conspirators in Turkey. 

Another innocent victim of a one-night stand.

9 Temmuz 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": There Won't Be a "Mussel Beach Party" Movie, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 July 2024)

                              Camera-shy mussels.

In Eminönü, Istanbul, police patrolling the shore saw sea creatures being
loaded onto a truck and arrested M.A. and Ü.A. for illegal mussel 
gathering (!).  In all, police seized 36 sacks of mussels weighing about
one ton.  All of the hostage mussels were dropped back into the sea to
resume their maritime lives.  M.A. and Ü.A. were fined 52,484 TL
(about $1,600). 

Suspects were planning a sequel...

8 Temmuz 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Somali Businessman Mugged by Clumsy "Beestone" Cops, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 July 2024)

                                    Bees get stung.

Somali businessman Mohamed Shara Ali, who has a logistics company
in the Kızılay section of Ankara, left his office on 5 December 2023 en
route to a bank to deposit $140,000.  While walking on the street Ali
encountered Somali friend Abdiqadir Hassan and asked him to carry
$20,000 wrapped in a piece of paper because the money was bulging
from his own pocket and attracting attention. 

However (!), as they passed by the Ankara police station, policeman 
Ömer Arı (whose surname means "bee") and his friend Mükail Aydoğan, 
a parking lot attendant whom Arı had wear a police uniform (!), cut 
them off.   Arı demanded that the two Somalis show their IDs and 
then told them he would have them taken to "İl Göç" (Turkish 
immigration bureau).  He then searched the two and found the cash
they were carrying. Arı demanded the money but Ali resisted,
prompting Arı to say "hey, don't you trust the Turkish police?!".
He then slapped Ali, who surrendered the $140,000. 

Following Ali's complaint to other police officials, Arı, his brother-
in-law/relative Batuhan Arı, and Mükail Aydoğan were arrested. In
court, the three were charged with crimes with jail terms ranging 
from 15 to 21 years.  In his statement, Ömer Arı "explained" that
Batuhan Arı, who worked at Ali's company, had told him a month
earlier that Ali had a lot of "dırty money".  To aid in the trap Ömer
Arı enlisted his childhood friend Aydoğan.  They then waited for
Ali, threatened him with arrest and took his cash, splitting it three

As for Batuhan Arı, he saw things differently: "I reject the charges
against me!  Although I've known Ömer Arı for 15 years, on the 
day of the incident I couldn't see his face nor could I recognize
his voice.  Ömer and Mükail are trying to pin the crime on me!" (!)

The first court hearing of the case occurred on 4 June and Judge
Hasan Şatır decided to keep all three in jail until the next hearing.

"Beestone"'s inspiration.

7 Temmuz 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Suspects Break Doctor's Kneecap but They Walk Away Scott Free, in Trabzon

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 July 2024)

               Judicial emergency with no cure in sight. 

In Trabzon, A.S. (20)  went to the emergency room at Fatih State Hospital
to get a "rest" report based on some sort of illness or injury, together with
his relative S.N.K. (22).  However (!), the doctor on duty, Dr. Mehmet 
Yıldırım, found no medical reason to issue such a report to A.S.

A heated argument ensued, resulting in A.S. and S.N.K. attacking 
Dr. Yıldırım with a motorcycle helmet.  Hospital security guards and
police intervened.  Dr. Yıldırım was taken for treatment of his broken

The two suspects were taken into custody but S.N.K. was released at
the police station and A.S., although brought before a judge for 
incarceration, was released, as well.  (!)

Provincial Health Director Hakan Usta condemned the attack on 
Dr. Yıldırım. 

5 Temmuz 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Prey Snares "Hunter" Who Demanded Sex for His Services, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 July 2024)

          Warning to hunters: prey may strike back.

İmages of Nevzat Avcı (whose surname means "hunter"), the real estate 
supervisor in Antalya's Aksu municipality, demanding sex from Syrian
Faten E. to void a demolition order for her workplace last February went
viral on social media, prompting Avcı's firing.  Yet, before this incident
Avcı had been the subject of numerous corruption complaints to CİMER
(presidential hot-line) and prosecutors but remained on duty.  This time
he has been jailed. 

In the indictment against Avcı it is stated that Avcı met Faten hanım 
when she came to the municipal building to discuss the problem and
he suggested they have sex in order to resolve her problem.  After
Faten hanım refused, Avcı threatened her with a large fine.  A few days
later when Faten hanım returned to see Avcı he offered to rescind the
demolition order and cancel the 180,000 TL (about $5,500)  if Faten 
hanım would have sex with him 4 times (!)

In his defense, Avcı dismissed his remarks as heard in the video as 
"a joke" and denied any wrongdoing.  Nevertheless, he will be tried
for "demanding a bribe" and faces 6 years in prison.