30 Nisan 2013 Salı

Zeytinburnu Diary: Monkey, Marriage

monkey business links to original article

(Cihan News Agency, 30 April 2013)

Fugitive's moment of capture.

In the Nuripaşa neighborhood of Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, a monkey took
advantage of his owner's momentary lapse of attention and jumped
into a tree on 62/2 Street. The loveable monkey began to eat the
eggs in a crow's nest but when attacked by the mother crow he
sought refuge on the balcony of an adjacent apartment building.
When the apartment owner opened the balcony door the monkey
slipped into the house.

The loveable monkey leapt around the apartment for an hour as
residents tried to capture it and the monkey bit the hand of one
of its pursuers. The chase continued back on the balcony and
the homeowner gave the monkey some sugar to lure it in for capture.
The monkey's owner saw the activity from the street, came to the
apartment and nabbed the monkey.

The injured pursuer Sema Karabacak related the incident: "When
we came from the market it was in the tree eating the crow's eggs.
This didn't sit well with the crows, of course, so the monkey leapt
to the balcony and got into the house. Then it got into our place and
gave us the run-around. When I tried to catch it the monkey tore up
my hands. Then the owner came and took it away."

marriage links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 29 April 2013)

Practice driving for his wedding day.

In Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, a thief who made his car look like a
bride's for robbery purposes was captured by police who became
suspicious. The police noticed Mert T. in a car with  a banner
that read "We're getting married. We're happy" where the license
plate should have been visible.

When police checked Mert T.'s background they found warrants
for his arrest on other robbery charges. There were materials for
committing robbery in the car, which was a rental. Police determined
that by hiding the plate number Mert T. thought he would be able
to avoid police scrutiny. Mert T. was arrested and taken to prison.

28 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Turks Stuck in Kyrgyzstan Since 1944

stranded links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 28 April 2013)
Show us the way to go home...

Black Sea Turks, who were exiled to Central Asia
from the Batumi area of Georgia six months before
the end of the Second World War by the Soviet
Union government, want to return to Turkey. The
1,527 Turks have lived in exile in Kok-Jar village of Nokat
district in Kyrgyzstan's southern Osh province since
1944 and get along well with their Kyrgyz neighbors.

The Black Sea Turks keep the Turkish language, culture
and traditions alive among themselves and soothe their
homesickness with Turkish poems and folk songs. The
youth and the women know Istanbul Turkish very well.
By means of the dish antennas they have attached to their
rooves, they say they improve their Turkish by watching
Turkish soap operas and other TV programs.

The Turks earn a living by working in the animal-
breeding and agricuture sectors in Kok-Jar village.
They say they are happy in Kyrgyzstan but miss their
Turkish homeland. Muhammed Uzunoglu is the leader
of these Turks and he said he learned from his father
that between 40 and 50 percent of their population was
lost during and after the exile from Batumi.

Uzunoglu continued, saying that "they were expelled
because they were Turks and sent off in animal carts.
The trip was very difficult. Nearly half of them were
lost to hunger, cold and illness along the way. The
Russian soldiers insisted that the dead be left where
they died. No one knows whether they've been buried
or not."

Osh district toward the SW direction.

26 Nisan 2013 Cuma

A Mailman's Torture on the Big Screen

mailman links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 26 April 2013)
Mailman turned screen star.

A mailman who lives in Kutahya has made a 27-minute
film about his profession to call attention to the hazards
of his work and to demand compensation for it. In the
film, dogs chase the mailman, he is beaten with a stick
by people he brings a court notice to, and a bucket of
water is poured on him from a balcony.

Mailman Nevzat Coban made an announcement to
journalists in front of the PTT Kutahya General
Directorate. He said that a local TV station helped
him shoot the film, the scenario for which he wrote
and starred in. Coban noted that being a mailman is
a tough job and in the film he tries to show this by
being chased by dogs, getting soaked by a bucket of
water from a balcony, having a brick fall on him
while searching for an address, getting shot in the
foot and beaten with a stick.

Coban asserted that the film will break the record for
views and he said that "walking in snow, rain and mud
isn't much like walking on a red carpet.I'm appealing
to the deputies who assign compensation for themselves.
For some of us retirement age is 60 and for those who
recently started work it's 65. Based on the law, the age
limit for mailmen is 55. Workers in our organization
who are 55 will have to stand in front of the retirement
door for 10 years. So where will these friends work
for those ten years?"

"Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow..."

25 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

Who Was That Masked Man!? E.T. Perhaps?

mask links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 25 April 2013)
Masked and unmasked.

Taxi driver Erhan B. (34) filed a complaint with the
Halkali, Istanbul, police on 25 February, saying that
he was mugged by four people who got into his cab
as customers. In his statement, Erhan B., who was
robbed of his cellphone and 800 TL, said that the
people he picked up spoke with a strange accent and
that their lips did not move in concert with their speech.

Police received similar complaints and began an
investigation into the 'silicon face' method. They
checked on professional firms that prepare specially-
made masks made of  'wax' or 'silicon' material in
a number of countries, in particular America and England.
The police then examined orders made over the internet
from Turkey for silicon masks.

Two suspects were identified and put under surveillance.
Just at the same time, police teams received an interesting
complaint from A.T. (29) who said that  on 28 February
three individuals beat himand stole masks that he had had
made overseas. A.T., who sells animation and some concept
materials over the internet, said in his statement that "I
purchased five silicon and wax masks that are just like
human faces from a foreign internet site and put them up
for sale on the internet. One E.T. (!) got in touch with me,
said he wanted to buy them and so we agreed to a price
of 40,000 TL."  

"At the Istanbul bus depot they threatened and beat me
in their car, taking the masks, 4,000 TL and my cellphone
from me. I only saved myself by jumping out of the
moving vehicle."  Police got the car's plate number from
A.T. and determined the gang's address. Four suspects
who had assumed different appearances in order not to
leave any trace of themselves, by purchasing the masks
from an overseas internet site for between 4,000 and
12,000 TL each, were tracked in connection with muggings,
robberies and lootings.

Police captured the suspects, whose use of the masks, which
are seen in Hollywood films, was a first for Turkey. The
masks seized from the suspects cannot be distinguished from
real faces and they were sent to the police criminal laboratory.
E.T. (28),F.S. (32), G.M. (30) and E.K. (26) denied any
criminal activity but the fingerprints and DNA samples
on the masks matched their own. The suspects were sent
to prison.

24 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Autistic Kids are Atheists (!)

atheists links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 23 April 2013)
Trust me on this one...

Sociologist Fehmi Kaya made an announcement in
connection with Autism Awareness Week, saying that
there are nearly 750,000 people in Turkey who show
signs of autism. Kaya stated that autistic children cannot
establish empathy and that "one of the basic characteristics
of autistic children is that the belief area, the God area, of
their brains is undeveloped, vacant."

Continuing, Kaya asserted that "there is a connection
between autistic children and atheists, naturally. German
scientists Erhard Neuberk and Klaus Deistung, along with
American scientist Ara Norenzayan, have conducted
research based on which they claim that autistic children's
belief side is undeveloped and, consequently, they have a
belief deficiency."

Kaya stated that researchers have established a parallel
by comparing autistic children with atheists. He added
that "they (researchers) claim that there's a parallel
between autistics and atheists and that atheism is a
different cultural version of autism. They claim, as well,
that because of their belief deficiency these children
show a resemblance to atheists. They assert this claim
by saying that 'autistics cannot establish empathy and
neither can atheists.'"

Sociologist Kaya said that "the point we assert is that
these children will reach a development point as the
result of their starting to develop socially and as a person.
At that point their belief dimension will naturally
develop, as well."

23 Nisan 2013 Salı

One Celebratory Bullet , One Tragic Mess

bad day links to related article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 22 April 2013)
When a bad day gets even worse.

Elementary school teacher Erkan Karamese (35)
participated in a going-away party for  a friend
entering military service yesterday in Sindirgi
district of Balikesir province. During the party,
a relative of Karamese, Expert Sergeant A.K.(24),
who came to the party on leave from his unit in
Tekirdag, took out his gun and fired into the air in

One of the bullets, however, ricocheted and hit
Karamese in the chest, seriously wounding him.
He was taken by ambulance to Bigadic State Hospital.
After initial treatment there, the decision was made to
take Karamese to a better-equipped hospital so
an ambulance driven by Emergency Health Technician
Tugba Ozlen set out to take  Karamese to Balikesir.

En route, however, the ambulance had an accident
with a truck on the bridge of the Simav stream at
the Bigadic Cevizli marker. Karamese died in the
accident and driver Ozlen, Dr. Irfan Gurutku,
nurses Kubra Ayvaz, Ayse Ozturk and Karamese's
wife Zuhal Karamese were all injured, as was the
driver of the truck, Enes Deniz. All were taken to
a hospital and Ozlen's condition is serious.

Sindirgi is Balikesir's southernmost district.

22 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Imam Steals Wife, Stand-in Bears Hubby's Wrath

imam links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 20 April 2013)
Romeo imam and his mosque.

The bewildering incident occurred in Karahayit
village of Dalama town in Aydin province on friday
last week...

Imam M.O., who was assigned temporarily to the
village about 4 months ago, convinced a married
woman from Aydin city, whom he met on Facebook,
to run away with him. The two lovers made their
escape on 9 April, hiding in the mosque where the
imam serves.

The woman's husband tracked her down and he came
to the village mosque last friday during prayer time.
The husband started to shout "where's the iman who
kidnapped my wife?!" The congregation was in shock
as the husband walked toward the imam reading the
sermon of the day and shouted "this no-good kidnapped
my wife and left my two children motherless. None of
you can listen to him. The prayers he says are worthless."

Since imam M.O. was on leave that day another imam,
Mustafa Sahin, was presiding so he and the congregation,
after overcoming their initial shock, tried to calm the
irate husband by explaining the situation. Learning that
M.O. and his wife were elsewhere, the angry husband
got into his car and left.

M.O. has been missing since the day of the incident. But
when the congregation learned that he had hidden the
woman in the mosque they rose up in anger. Village
chief Mehmet Erdem said that the village was now
shunning the mosque. He added that he has applied to
the authorities to have M.O. removed from duty.

Because of the scandal, the provincial religious directorate
has started an investigation, at the behest of the Aydin
governor's office.

What happens in Dalama...

20 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi

Escape Within His Grasp, But...

trouble links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 19 April 2013)
To catch a thief, let him do the work.

In Marmaris district of Mugla province, jeweler
Engin Demirezen (30) left the key in the ignition
as he was putting some things into the trunk of his
car. Seeing this, U.T.(23), who was on the sidewalk
drinking alcohol, jumped in Demirezen's car and took
off . Police pursued U.T. who lost control of the car at
high speed during the chase. The car jumped the curb,
hit a pole and veered into a 30 meter-deep shoulder
along Icmeler Liman Iskelesi road.

The car was wrecked after hitting the concrete base
of the shoulder but U.T. escaped uninjured. To
avoid capture, U.T. then dove into the water and
swam 100 meters. He got out at a point far from
the pursuing police and began to climb a 40-meter
hill. However, as he reached the top he lost his
balance and fell down. As he fell U.T.'s shirt  got
caught on tree branches, saving him from the rocks
on the shore below.

An AKUT (search and rescue) team saved the
tangled up U.T. and he was taken to a hospital.
U.T. had come to Marmaris three days earlier to
find work.



19 Nisan 2013 Cuma

A Million Dollars For Sale

million links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 16 April 2013)
John Baresford Tipton* left this for you.

The Gendarmerie raided a house in Milas district
of Mugla province and seized a one million dollar
bank note that one F.C. intended to sell to collectors.
F.C. was taken into custody and an investigation to
determine the authenticity of the bank note has begun.

The one million dollar bank notes are produced by
the International Millionaires Union and serve as a
symbol of commercial success and "the American
Dream". They are used by large organizations for
interbank transactions and although they are not in
fact real money, they are sought-after. Collectors
buy and sell them for tens of thousands of dollars.

The first one million dollar bank note was put out
in 1988 by the American bank note company, which
prints money for many governments around the world.
The notes resemble real money in every way and
some precautions not found in real money are taken
to ensure that the notes cannot be counterfeitted. Each
one million dollar bank note has a special certificate,
as well.

*viewers of "The Millionaire" TV show of the
pre-historic era will recognize this name.

Get your million here.

18 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

"Dentist" is Human, not Bovine

dentist links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 17 April 2013)
Unwilling patient Hamide and 'dentist' hubby.

In Daricayalani village of Vezirkopru district,
Samsun province, Veysel M.(50) has allegedly
beat his wife of 21 years, Hamide M. (55) over
a long period of time. Ten days ago during an
argument, after beating her Veysel extracted
three of Hamide's lower front teeth with pliers.

Hamide's body was covered with bruises and
wounds from the beating but she told doctors
who asked about her condition that "a cow
kicked me." But Hamide called her son from
another marriage, Huseyin Dilen, who works
in Ankara, and told him what really happened.

Dilen then came to Vezirkopru and filed a
complaint with the prosecutor. In her statement
to the prosecutor, Hamide said that Veysel
"beat me dreadfully and has before. Two years
ago he hit me with a board and broke my arm.
He said if anyone asks tell them 'a cow kicked
me'. He threatened me, saying 'I'll kill you!'.
He took my teeth out with pliers."

For his part, Veysel stated that "I didn't beat
her. I shoved her and she fell down." Hamide
has asked the Family and Social Policies
Ministry to intervene. In her petition to the
ministry, Hamide objected to the release of
Veysel pending trial.

Oral surgery free in Vezirkopru.

17 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Evil Spirits Send Gold to Ex-Parliamentarian

duped links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 16 April 2013)
If it sounds too good to be true...

In Iskenderun district of Hatay province, former
CHP Parliamentarian Abdulaziz Yazar and some
businessmen were bilked out of nearly 5 million TL,
in fear of evil spirits. Nevzat Acikkoz, who calls
himself the Syrian Sheikh, and five others have
been arrested in the case.

The phony shaikh was arrested for the crime of
"defrauding through exploitation of religious beliefs
and emotions." His lawyer requested that his client
be freed pending trial because "he's just an elementary
school graduate and he drinks."  In his statement,
Acikkoz declared his assets to be a 2003-model Porsche,
two bus lines and a monthly income of 4,500TL.

Abdulaziz Yazar and the other victims were bilked
with the tale that evil spirits were guarding 12 large
earthenware jars filled with gold lying in the gardens
of their villas. Acikkoz told the former parliamentarian
that "evil spirits sent a gift of tons of gold that lie under
your house. If anyone else hears about it the evil
spirits will harm you."  Acikkoz took a total of 1.5
million TL from Yazar with this tale.

Iskenderun, on the coast of Hatay.

15 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Kyrgyz Horsemen Guard Eastern Front

kyrgyz links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 15 April 2013)

Atilla and Gengis Khan would be proud.

Kyrgyz Turks, who were forced to migrate from the Pamir Valley in
Afghanistan because of harsh weather conditions and illness and who
were brought to Turkey in 1982 by then-President Kenan Evren, have
been living in their own 300-home village, which they named "Ulupamir",
in Erciş district of Van province.

At first the Kyrgyz Turks worked with agriculture and raising animals
but because of terrorism they became village guards in 1987 to protect
the country and their village. The Kyrgyz Turks participated in many
anti-terror operations and burnished their image by their horsemanship
skills. They rode to operations on horseback in the "cavalry brigade"
they formed and carried their heavy weapons with them on their horses.
They say that they give their full support to the ongoing peace efforts.

Chief village guard Mehmet Karakaş stated that he has been serving as
a village guard for 21 years and supports his family with his salary.
He said "Our choice was to either become guards or provide shelter
to the terror organization. Our population is 2,500 and there are 150
guards. We have no fear but we are against violence.We want to improve
our physical and mental well-being. Since we're guards neither we nor
our children can benefit from any assistance."

Erciş district top left, in Van province.

13 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi

Turk "Capone" is Europe's Hell on Wheels

capone links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 30 March 2013)
Kadir Capone

The Hell's Angels gang, established in the U.S. in
1948 and currently operating in 32 countries around
the world, and which is involved in weapons smuggling,
narcotics and prostitution, is stoking the fear it has already
created in Germany.

Former Turkish boxer Kadir P., formerly with the Banditos,
joined up with the Hells Angels, along with 70 others and
his new target is said to be uniting with the group's club
in Denmark. According to a statement by the Berlin police,
under the leadership of Kadir P., who adopted the nickname
"Kadir Capone" in honor of American gangster Al Capone,
the gang's activities in the capital Berlin are increasing day
by day.   

Let's roll!

12 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Leon Trotsky Slept Here

trotsky links to related article

(Hürriyet and Sabah Newspapers, 12 April 2013)

Looks like such a nice guy...

The Arap İzzet Paşa mansion on Büyükada, Istanbul,
where Leon Trotsky, one of the intellectual leaders of the
Russian Revolution, lived in exile from 1929 to 1933, will
become a museum. Trotsky spent his days on Büyükada
fishing and writing a history of the revolution.

A plan to use the mansion as a hotel was disapproved by
the Istanbul Number 5 Cultural Treasures Protection
Council and the Istanbul municipality has decided to turn
the building into a museum about Trotsky.

Trotsky lost a power struggle with Stalin after Lenin's death in
1924 and sought exile in Turkey in 1929. He lived in the Arap
İzzet Paşa mansion from 12 February 1929 until 17 July 1933.
Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico in 1940. 

Far from his beloved collective farm.

11 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

It's Raining Cats, Hallelujah!

raincat links to original article

(Takvim Newspaper, 9 April 2013)

Drones come in all shapes and species.

In Eskişehir, a cat fell from the 6th floor of an apartment
building onto the head of Duygu Çalışır, who was walking
along the street. The bewildered young woman fell to the
ground, not knowing what had befallen her. She was taken
to a hospital for treatment and her condition is said to be
good. Eye witnesses said that the cat involved in the incident
fled the scene.

10 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Vengence Taken, Mistaken

taken links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 9 April 2013)
8 years later, Facebook'ed.

Huseyin D. murdered Adnan B., then 24 years old,
with a meat cleaver on 24 June 2004 during an
argument at the Zeytinburnu Cemetery in Istanbul.
Three days later Huseyin D. was captured and tried.

The deceased's younger brother, Orhan B., traced
Huseyin D., who was released from Metris Prison
last year, on Facebook and sent him a message,
using his 19 year-old girlfriend Evrim S.'s account.
Acting as the girl, Orhan B. invited Huseyin D. to
meet on 19 October 2012 at a restaurant on the shore
at Bakirkoy.

While Evrim S. and Huseyin D. had dinner, Orhan B.
retrieved a gun he had hidden earlier from a gas box
at a hotel next to the restaurant and waited for Huseyin
D. When Huseyin D. emerged from the restaurant, he
was met with a hail of bullets from Orhan B.  After
being hit in the stomach and legs with five bullets,
Huseyin D. lay in a pool of blood but Orhan B. then
took a meat cleaver from his belt. Smashing Huseyin D.
on the head and body with the cleaver for 50 seconds,
Orhan B. delivered a total of 25 blows.

Orhan B. dropped the gun and cleaver at the scene and
fled. Huseyin D. died at the hospital. Evrim S. was
arrested and police are searching for Orhan B.


mistaken links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 9 April 2013)
Case of mistaken revenge.

In Adana, Abdurrahim U. made a plan to kill Cihan Y.,
with whom he had argued three months ago. Wearing
a ski-mask and booties, so as not to leave any traces at
the scene, Abdurrahim U. climbed onto the roof of Cihan
Y.'s family's home and waited with a sawed-off shotgun.

When Cihan Y. and his cousin Kadir Y. came home their
wives told them there was someone on the roof. Kadir Y.
went to check on the situation and was gunned down by
Abdurrahim U., who was expecting Cihan Y. instead.
Kadir Y. died and  Abdurrahim U., who was captured a
short time later, confessed.

9 Nisan 2013 Salı

Manhunter Hunted Down

manhunter links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 5 April 2013)
Temptress Necla A., dressed in black.

Osman G. (71) lives in Saimbeyli district of Adana
and after losing his wife last year he told friends
that he'd like to marry again. Seyfullah T. (46), a
suspect in the case, learned about Osman G.'s
desire and introduced him to Necla A., who went
by the name Haim Erol, using a phony ID.

Necla A. came to the district and told Osman G.
"I'm a poor woman.", asking him for a wedding
price of 8,000TL worth of gold for the nuptuals.
However, after selecting the gold from the jeweler,
where she had gone together with Osman G., Necla
A. snuck off on a pretext and met up with Seyfullah
T. in a side street.

Police teams tracked down the real Hanim Erol, who
explained that her ID had been stolen by a woman
sitting next to her on a bus three years ago. Looking
into the matter further, police determined that 19 other
men in various cities had been similarly duped by the
same woman.

Seyfullah T. was quickly located and he explained how
he, along with Necla A. and her boyfriend Salih S.,
conducted their operation: travelling from village to
village, they sought out  elderly rich men who wanted
to get married.

Police also arrested Necla A. and Salih S. All the
suspects were then arraigned.

8 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Bathroom Break Dooms Train

runaway train links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 8 April 2013)
Runaway train's ultimate fate.

On 4 April a locomotive with one car attached was
idle at the Ciftehan station in Ulukisla district of
Nigde province so the train's two engineers, I.D.
and H.Y., decided to get off the train to relieve
themselves. However, in doing so the engineers
allegedly forgot to put the brake on. Because of the
slope of the railline, the locomotive and its sole car
began to head down the hill on their own in an
uncontrolled manner.

The engineers and station personnel informed the
authorities of the situation and all rail crossings
were closed to vehicles and pedestrians. Police
and Gendarmerie units took precautions along the
route, as all stations were alerted. The Cukurova
Express, en route with passengers from Adana to
Nigde was pulled off to a siding at the Hacikiri

The locomotive, reaching speeds of 140 KPH, passed
Pozanti district and proceeded out of control for 40
kilometers, up to Belemedik Location. Preparations
were made at the Belemedik station, 25 kilometers from
the Hicikiri station,  to get the train off the tracks. As
the runaway train approached Belemedik the tracks
were changed and the locomotive, with its trailing car,
were directed onto an empty siding, where the train
toppled over.

The two engineers have been relieved (!) of duty
and an inquiry has begun.

Turkey's rail system. Runaway at Ulukisla, center bottom.

5 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Out East: Dream Job in Bitlis, Wintennas in Agri

dream job links to original article

(Takvim Newspaper, 4 April 2013)
Watchman has nice view, and a paycheck.

An anecdotal tale from Bogazonu village in Mutki
district of Bitlis province. The foundation for the
Ayse Hatun Dam was set in 1961 but the project
has still not been completed after 52 years. Nevertheless,
the dam's watchman has been employed the whole time.
And after Mirhan Akin, who served in the position from
1961, retired, his successor has been in the job for 7 months.
So while the dam has become a subject of ridicule the
governor's office did not include it in its investment program
for 2013.

Bitlis, dream jobs found here.

windowcell links to original article
(Takvim Newspaper, 4 April 2013)

Window doubling as antenna.
In some places, the phone devices that make our lives easy can
be a problem. The most striking example of this emerged from
Bascavus village in Agri province where residents of the30-home
settlement have trouble getting a signal from the GSM operator.
Consequently, communications have been all but cut off. All efforts
to get a base station installed in the village have failed so the villagers
have resorted to other methods, foremost among them using the
windows of their homes.
Citizens have taken to taping their cellphones to windows, where
the signal is better. They then get up on a chair and use the phone
in this manner to call friends and relatives. The villagers also go up
on their rooves and climb hills to catch a signal, according to Village
Chief Cemil Ozbey. They all hope that one day a base station will be
installed in Bascavus village. 
The same signal problem is being experienced in Yolcular village of
Bitlis province, where villagers climb the minarets of the local mosque
to catch a signal. Space at the top is limited so a priority list has been
developed. The elderly complain that they can't call their doctors and
young people are upset that they can't exchange SMS messages with
their friends.
Agri on the extreme right side of Turkey.

4 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

Miss Civilization of the World

miss civilization links to original article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 3 April 2013)

Local Romeo's pose with civilized beauties.

Eighteen beauties from 17 countries came to Diyarbakır
to participate in the Miss Civilization of the World contest.
The beauties toured the historic and touristic sights and
yesterday they went to Mardinkapı neighborhood in
historic Keçiburcu.

The contestants posed on the fortress towers and Diyarbakır's
residents showed great interest. The local young fellows vied
with each other to get a photograph taken with the gorgeous
girls, who all donned their national sashes.

Some of the beauties examined an armored military vehicle,
placed there to enhance security, and their posing next to it
made for an interesting photographic juxtaposition. The
Miss Civilization of the World contest will take place in
Diyarbakır on Sunday. 

Donald Trump couldn't find Diyarbakır.

3 Nisan 2013 Çarşamba

Shortcuts to Disaster

shortcut links to related article

(Sabah Newspaper,1 April 2013)
Should have taken the long way home.

In Bursa, three people who thought they could
take a shortcut through a river barely cheated
death. Hamza Saskin (whose surname means
'bewildered') wanted to cross the Nilufer River
with his minibus in the Doburca neighborhood
but when the minibus reached the middle of
the river it stopped.

Saskin and his two companions, Ayse Saskin
and Gulbeyaz Istekin, were in a geat panic.
Saskin swam to the shore and local residents
rescued the two women. The minibus was
dragged 70 meters in the rising waters. Driver
Saskin stated that "we wanted to take a shortcut
but we got stuck." The Bursa Municipality's
bridge construction at the river is continuing.


son of shortcut links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 2 April 2013)

In Bayrampasa, Istanbul, Alp Gunaydin was driving
along the TEM highway at about 0915 yesterday
morning and decided to beat the traffic congestion
by sneaking on to the safety shoulder at Bayrampasa
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesale Market.

Gunaydin neglected to reduce his speed, however,
and crashed into the back of a tractor-trailor parked
in the safety lane. Gunaydin's car was wrecked and
he was stuck inside of it. Rescue teams extracted
Gunaydin and took him to a hospital.

2 Nisan 2013 Salı

Piggybacking Frogs' Spring Break

frogs links to original article

(Sabah Newspaper, 1 April 2013)
Piggybacking road warriors.

Every Spring frogs migrate as a group from the
forest to the river between Kutahya's Domanic
district and Bursa's Inegol district. The frogs do
this in piggyback fashion as they cross the road on
their way. Scientific studies have confirmed that
the only piggybacking frogs are those from Domanic
and Inegol.

A drinking cup with piggybacked frogs inscribed
on it was found at Kutahya Seyitomer Hoyugu (Hittite
mound) in 2010, proving that this "custom" has been
observed by humans for 5,000 years. Domanic district
chief Mehmet Boztepe explained that warning signs have
been placed along the road where the frogs cross the
Domanic-Ingol highway in order to reduce the number
of frog deaths and that  alternative routes are being

1 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Twitter Nails Lazy Bureaucrats

twittered links to original article

(Hurriyet Newspaper, 31 March 2013
Ordu Governor, in happier days.

A Twitter follower sent a message to Ordu Governor
Orhan Duzgun on 13 March, saying "I think the Ulubey
Property Directorate is on vacation. They're not answering
either the phone or the fax." Governor Duzun shared the
Twitter message with Ulubey District Chief Mahmut Agbal,
ordered him to "look into it" and said that he himself
would check on the matter.

On certain days as the business day was ending Governor
Duzgun called the Ulubey Property Directorate and,
determining that no one was there to answer the phone,
he ordered an investigation into the eight people who work
there. District Chief Agbal confirmed that a letter had come
from the Governor last  Monday and that the investigation
was continuing.

District Chief Agbal stated that "there are video records being
reviewed; the personnel were there but they weren't answering
the phones. That's a separate offense. They left early and there
are some other things. The office director was on leave that
day. The investigation into those personnel who were there
that day, who left early and who didn't answer the phone is
ongoing. Based on the findings of the report an inquiry will
be conducted.

Slug-asaurus employees in Ulubey district.