30 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Fleece & Release": Buy a Time-Share and Use It Once Every 5,000 Years...Maybe, in Yalova

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 June 2024)

                       Here's to a (very, very) long life!

Police in Yalova got a tip that a hotel in Termal district was inviting
people for free vacations but when the vacationers arrived they were
subjected to hard-sell psychological pressure to buy time-shares. 
Simultaneous police raids in Yalova, Istanbul, Aydın, Adana and 
Kütahya resulted in 30 suspects being arrested. 

Among those taken into custody were ringleader Orhan Karadereli, 
his wife Elvan Karadereli, CEO Tevfik Murat Talas and Yusuf Atala,
a well-known actor who was the gang's commercial face in TV ads.

The suspects hoodwinked at least 36,000 (!) people, including judges,
prosecutors and high-level bureaucrats, out of about 36 million TL
(a bit more than $1 million).  It turned out, though, that those who 
agreed to the time-share agreement would get to use the property
once every 5,000 years. (!) 

29 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Wife's "Suicide" Got Big "Assist" From Hubby, in Istanbul

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 June 2024)

            He told her in parting "I'm here to help."

On 24 April 2022, Yalçın Narman, a worker at a textile firm in the 
Fatih district of Istanbul, called police to report that his wife Fatma
Narman (21) had committed suicide.  When police arrived at the
home they found Fatma hanım's body lying at the entrance to the
bedroom with gunshot wounds in her hip and chest. (!)

Yalçın bey "explained" to police that "when I came home I found
my wife lying wounded at the bedroom door and I saw that her
revolver was by her side.  In a panic, I grabbed the gun and put it
in a drawer."  Needless to say, the police were suspicious about
Fatma hanım having shot herself (!) in the hip and chest and Yalçin
bey's action in hiding the gun. 

Further investigation revealed that there were no gunpowder burns
on Fatma hanım's clothing, indicating that the bullets had entered
her body from a distance.  This analysis prompted Yalçın bey to
change his story and admit that "there was an accident".  He added
that he was regretful and that "I had no reason to kill my wife."  

In any event, Yalçın bey was sentenced to life in prison.  His brother
Bahattin Narman was acquitted of any involvement. 

28 Haziran 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Shopping Spree Prompts Woman to Stage Robbery as Distraction, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 28 June 2024)

                      Royalty: Drama Queen Ayşe.

In Antalya's Manavgat district the day before yesterday, Ayşe Demirtaş
called "112" (Turkey's "911") and said she'd been beaten and robbed.
Police and medics arrived and determined that Ayşe hanım had indeed
suffered a blow to her head. She "explained" to police that while she
was at home with her toddler daughter a knock on the door resulted in
her letting a "cargo courier" into her house. 

According to Ayşe hanım, the masked intruder hit her and she passed 
out.  When she came to the masked intruder wanted her to tell him
where her gold was and he threatened to abscond with her child if she
refused to tell him.  Left with no choice, Ayşe hanım told police she
gave the thief five gold bracelets and two pairs of gold earrings. 

However (!), police determined from security cameras that there was
no one fitting the description of the intruder that Ayşe hanım gave them
in the area of her building at that time.  Ayşe hanım then came clean
and admitted that after she'd spent 20,000 TL (about $60) on shopping
without telling her husband she resorted to this fantastic tale to cover 
her tracks.  She was charged with "making up a crime". (!)

27 Haziran 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Tattoo Leads Police to Suspects in Chinese Merchant's Bizarre Death Plot, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 June 2024)

                                 One tattoo too many.

In Zeytinburnu district of Istanbul on 21 June, textile businessman Hasan
Nur (61), of Chinese descent, was beaten and killed by a group that 
invaded his home.   Working from security camera images, police
noticed a tattoo on the arm of one suspect (!), which led them to all the 
other individuals involved in the assault.  Subsequently, Bilalijiang A. 
(17), Abdulsalam K. (17), Murat K. (25), Ömer U. (19) and Arafat A. 
(24) were arrested in a police raid on a house in Kağıthane. 

Police determined that that assault was, in fact, a robbery and $8,300
was recovered from the suspects, who all have long police records. 

However (!), Yımaran Y. (28), also taken into custody in connection 
with the death of his brother-in-law Hasan Nur, had a surprising 
"explanation" for the assault: that Nur had forced him to take a Koran 
course, which (somehow!) resulted in Yımaran Y.'s mother being 
imprisoned in China.  According to Yımaran Y., his anger at this 
development was the reason he planned Nur's death and had the suspects 
carry out the attack with the lure of the large amount of money in Nur's 

26 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

"Fleece & Release": Doctors Got Half the Cost of Medicines They Prescribed...Until They Didn't, in Bolu

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 June 2024)

"Swan Fake" - a new ballet in Bolu.

Orthopedic doctors at İzzet Baysal State Hospital and Baysal Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Training and Research Hospital, both in
Bolu, wrote prescriptions for medicines offered on the market by a
drug company represented by T.Ş. (42) and reaped half the cost of 
the medicines' price. 

Some doctors would collect the labels of their patients' medicines and
send them to T.Ş. by means of WhatsApp, whereas another doctor sent
T.Ş. emojis of swans (!) to indicate the number of prescriptions he had 

But T.Ş. wasn't happy with this arrangement and filed a complaint 
against the doctors with the Health Ministry on 5 June, naming doctors
U.G., H.K., R.Ö. and M.T.  An investigation has begun. 

In his statement to the Health Ministry, T.Ş. said that "I would meet 
with physical therapy doctors twice a week and the orthopedists 
once every ten days over the past two or three years, giving them 
each half of the money for each prescription.  They sent me messages 
in this regard on WhatsApp.  Dr. R.Ö. would send me swan emojis to 
represent each prescription he'd written."


25 Haziran 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Jet Ski Accident "Waiting to Happen" Happened, in Lake İznik

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 June 2024)

      Non-swimmer and no lifejacket - bad combination.

Kübra Özdemir (25), who worked as a receptionist at a hotel in İznik
owned by M.A., went to the shore of Lake İznik with her work friend
Onur Işık (23) and her boss for a picnic the evening before last.  Kübra
hanım and Onur bey then went out on the lake in M.A.'s 20-year-old 
jet ski to take pictures. 

Neither of the two friends donned life jackets as they went further out
into the lake at the Göllüce village location.  Soon after, the jet ski,
piloted by Onur bey, overturned and Kübra hanım, unable to swim,
sank below the waterline.  Meanwhile, Onur bey hung on to the 
overturned jet ski, awaiting rescue. 

A Gendarmerie boat arrived and reached Kübra hanım after an hour's
search.  A heart massage proved futile and she was pronounced dead.
Onur bey was taken into custody by the Gendarmerie.  It turned out
that the two had been in an area of the lake where the use of jet skis is

In any case, using a jet ski without lifejackets and without knowing
how to swim is forbidden, yet its tourism popularity has led the
Culture and Tourism Ministry and the Ports Directorate to allow
water sports firms to offer their use at seaside hotels.  No license is
required to pilot a jet ski. 

24 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Dentist's Angry Wife Restrained for a Month, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 June 2024)

     Complexion problems may be the root-canal cause. 

Prof. Dr. Mehmet A. (72), a retired dentist, married for the second time
in 2019 with Aylin A.  However (!), according to a petition submitted to
police and court authorities, shortly after the marriage was consummated
Dr. Mehmet A. noticed that his wife had an anger-control problem. 

In the petition, Dr. Mehmet A. asserted that Aylin A. had first scratched 
his face, neck and arms.  In this regard, the text of the petition contained 
this statement: "Mehmet A. told his wife that if this behavior of hers 
went on he would file a police complaint. Nevertheless, Aylin A. inflicted 
black and blue bruises on Mehmet A.'s face and eyes, hit his head with a 
blunt instrument, creating a potentially deadly bone edema, and put him 
in a situation where he couldn't leave their house.  When Mehmet A. 
declared that the couple must divorce, in light of this terror, Aylin A. 
threatened him, saying 'if you tell my family that we're divorcing I'll stab 
you to death in your sleep.'  We want Aylin A. removed from the home
where they currently live together."

The court approved Dr. Mehmet A.'s petition and ordered Aylin A. to
stay away from him for a month. (!) 

Aylin A., aspiring dentist, trains on hubby. 

23 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Pet Crocodile, Overexposed on Social Media, Seized by Police, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 June 2024)

Blue sweater very snazzy but didn't have proper footwear:

In Kartal district of Istanbul, Akan Polat put a blue sweater on his 
pet crocodile (!) and took the creature out for a walk.  Polat then
posted a video of this "event" on social media.  As the post spread on
the internet, it caught the attention of the police anti-smuggling unit.

In short order, Polat's home was raided and the police found a large
aquarium on the balcony that had been prepared for the crocodile. 
The police also found the 1.5-meter long crocodile, along with a
stuffed crocodile, both of which were seized and handed over to
the Environmental Protection and National Parks Directorate. An
investigation into Akan Polat has begun. 

Citizens were informed about the best way to defend
themselves from crocodile attacks: first and foremost,
never smile at a crocodile. 

22 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Ex-Cop, Cancer Survivor, Shot Dead by Mugger for His Cellphone, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 June 2024)

As we've said before, these phones will be the death of us.

In Istanbul's Bağcılar district on the night of 19 June, Avşin Altunbaş, a
retired policeman who started working as the security chief for a private
firm two months ago, was sitting in a parked car with some friends when
an armed thief demanded that everyone in the car hand over their

As the thief fled the scene after taking the phones, Altunbaş got out of 
the car and fired into the air, prompting the fleeing thief to shoot Altunbaş 
in the chest, killing him.  

          Muggers can't resist the lure of cellphones.

Police began an investigation and determined that the thief had been
involved in many such muggings, including one on 15 June at the
SMT Garage and on 18 June at the BE Plato Film Çekim Seti office.
A subsequent raid by police resulted in the arrest of 10 suspects, who
were found to have weapons like 3 unlicensed revolvers, a Kalashnikov
AK-47 assault rifle and 5 gun cartridge clips. 

A funeral ceremony was held for Altunbaş, the father of two children,
at the Bolluca Mosque in Arnavutköy.  Previously, Altunbaş had 
overcome cancer. (!)

21 Haziran 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Temptress Steals Car as Owner Gets a Cold Shower, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 June 2024)

Temptress's rookie thieves ran out of gas and took the 
Metrobus back to meet with their victim (!).

In Istanbul's Avcılar district, U.B. went to a nightclub where he met a
woman named Gülşen Ö. (28).  After enjoying themselves at the nightclub
the two went to a hotel in Küçükçekmece, in front of which U.B. parked
his car.  The two spent the night together in the hotel but while U.B. was
taking a shower Gülşen hanım took his car keys from his pants pocket
and threw them out the window. (!) 

Gülşen hanım's cohorts below stole U.B.'s car.  When the couple emerged
from the hotel U.B. saw that his car was gone and so were his keys.  At
this point, Gülşen hanım (wisely) ran away from U.B., whose suspicions
of her had been aroused.  

U.B. informed the police of the incident.  Meanwhile, Gülşen hanım called
U.B. and told him he could have his car back by paying 20,000 TL (about
$600).  U.B. arranged to meet with Gülşen hanım and her gang at a 
cafeteria in Küçükçekmece, concurrently informing the police about this 

As the deal was going down in the cafeteria, police raided the joint and 
took Gülşen hanım, along with her three thieves, into custody.  It turned
out that the thieves had run out of gas, left the car in far-away Şişli and
took the metrobus back to Küçükçekmece for the meeting with U.B.  (!)

Gülşen hanım, who has a police record of six previous crimes, was
arrested, as were M.A.A. (17), Sezgin D. (19), and İshak A. (22).  U.B.'s
car was towed to a police parking lot in Kağıthane and ultimately returned
to its owner. 

20 Haziran 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Atatürk's Statue Axed by "Messiah", in Kayseri

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 June 2024)

"Messiah" and niece ended up in jail.  Atatürk, as always,
weathered the messianic storm. 

In Kayseri's Kocasinan district on the first day of "Kurban Bayramı" 
(16 June, Moslem feast of sacrifice), Yaşar Kılıçkaya (59) and his niece
Zeynep Abdullah (31) began to smash the statue of Atatürk in the town 
square with an axe, hitting it 13 times. (!)   Police intervened, took 
the two culprits into custody and jailed them.

In his statement to police Kılıçkaya "explained" that in a dream he saw
the Prophet Abraham, who told him that he (Kılıçkaya) was the Messiah
(!).  Zeynep hanım said that she believed that her uncle was the Messiah,
too.  Consequently, they asserted that "just like the Prophet Abraham 
destroyed idols, we wanted to do the same thing.  We don't regret it." (!)

Abraham had visions too.

19 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Home-Invader Rape Suspect Gets Off (Very) Easy, in Adana

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 June 2024)

              Just dropped by to say hello to a neighbor.

In Adana on 22 May 2022, Gökhan Kızılyer (44) jumped onto the balcony
of Fide U. (44), whom he had met in their apartment house's courtyard,
and entered her home uninvited.  Kızılyer beat Fide hanım and allegedly 
tried to rape her.

Finally, an Adana court has "adjudicated" Kızılyer's punishment: he was
sentenced to 1 year and 3 months in jail for "using force and violating 
the sanctity of a home at a late hour", but (!) the sentence has been 
"postponed".  Also, Kızılyer was fined 3,000 TL (about $92) for the 
crime of  "minor injury to a woman" (see Fide hanım's photo below!).   
As for the rape charge, the court found that there was no solid evidence
to convict him so Kızılyer was acquitted. 

The epitome of "beat & release" and a guide for 
all like-minded maniacs.

18 Haziran 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Butcher Dies While Slaughtering Feast Day Animals - Payback?, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 June 2024)

                          Made lots of enemies that day.

Doğan İçeloğlu (56) came from Tokat province to Arnavutköy district of
Istanbul to work as a butcher during the current "Kurban Bayramı" 
(Feast of Sacrifice).  The day before yesterday, the first day of the feast,
İçeloğlu was butchering an animal at a feast day facility belonging to
a foundation when, all of a sudden, he collapsed in a pool of blood on
the ground. (!) 

İçeloğlu was rushed to a hospital but could not be saved.  It was first 
thought that İçeloğlu had a heart attack and fell on one of his butcher
knives.  However (!), it turned out that İçeloğlu died from a bullet
fired into his chest.  

Police have identified a suspect...

17 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": For Final Farewell, He Takes 4 Others With Him, in Gaziantep

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 June 2024)

                Didn't want to be the only one leaving.

In Gaziantep, Syrian Mustafa Hıdır (35) got into an argument the day
before yesterday with a few of his friends.  That night Hıdır  went to
a barber shop in the Vatan neighborhood and shot his friend Yusuf 
Gadban in the head, killing him.  

Hıdır fled from the barber shop and headed for the home of his other
friends in the Üçoklar neighborhood.  There, he entered the house and
shot dead Muhammed Mustafa (24), his brother Abdullah Mustafa (22) 
and Ahmned Nevver (29).  Three others were injured by the gunfire, 
two of them seriously.  

Police pursued Hıdır to his own neighborhood, where, upon seeing the
police, Hıdır shot himself in the head, committing suicide. 

Munir Elhusi, one of the three injured individuals, related that "while
we were sitting around at night Mustafa came and said he was leaving
the country the next day so 'this is probably the last time you'll see me.'
We wished him a fond farewell but five minutes later he stood up and
started firing at us."

16 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Wife's Phone Messages, Real or Imagined, Prompted Hubby to Kill Her and Step-Uncle, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 June 2024)

These cell phones are gonna be the death of all of us. Remember
the good old days?...

In Istanbul's Bağcılar district on 10 September last year, İslam Keleş (41)
shot his step-uncle İsa Ergün (45) four times in a car and then his wife
Yeliz Keleş (32) at their home with two bullets.  İslam Keleş faced a
judge for the first time in the Bakırköy courthouse and "explained" how
this mess happened: 

"I really don't want to talk about it. Everyone should feel their pain and
I should serve my sentence.  I saw that messages had come to my wife's
phone from İsa and I read the messages aloud to my wife. Then we began
to argue.  I looked outside and saw that İsa was approaching so I grabbed
my gun.  He and I got into my car and I shot him twice to scare him (!).
But he attacked me so I had to shoot him twice more.  Next, I went in
the house and was met by my wife holding a knife in her hand.  So I
shot her twice."

The judge noted that an expert witness had determined that there were
no messages exchanged between İsa bey and Yeliz hanım (!).  In any
event, the case has been postponed until some missing elements are
cleared up. 

15 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

"Plunge & Release": Nearly Rescued from Stuck Elevator, He Fell 30 Meters in Shaft to His Death, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 June 2024)

           Not the way you want to exit an elevator.

In Istanbul's Gaziosmanpaşa district the night before last at about 
eleven-fifteen, Ersin Öztürk (64) boarded the elevator in his 
apartment building one floor below ground level.  But when the
elevator reached the ground floor a problem occurred. The building's
technicians were alerted and began to try to extricate Öztürk from
the stuck elevator. 

However (!), as Öztürk attempted to leave the elevator he fell into
the elevator shaft and landed 30 meters below on the fifth below-
ground floor.  Firefighters arrived and worked for three hours to
rescue Öztürk but when they reached him he was already dead. 

The unnamed building technician, who was at the scene when the 
incident happened was taken to a police station to give a statement. 

14 Haziran 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": As Father's Day Approaches, He Kills Daughter and Grandson, in Eskişehir

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 June 2024)

                             Father knows best (!).

Osman Nuri K., who lives in Osmaniye, and his ex-wife Hatice K.
agreed to divorce so Hatice hanım went to live with their daughter
in Eskişehir.  She also obtained a legal judgment to keep her 
whereabouts secret from her ex-husband.

Nevertheless, Osman Nuri bey went to Eskişehir's Odunpazarı district
and learned where his wife and daughter were living.  He lay in ambush
for them from midnight until morning, when, at seven-thirty, his
daughter Merve Karabaş (31) and his grandson Ata Alp (7) came out of
the house and got into a car in front of their house.  

At this point, Osman Nuri bey sprayed the car with bullets, killing 
Merve hanım. Young Ata Alp fled from the car but his grandfather shot 
him in the back, killing him (!).  Ex-wife Hatice hanım, who had gone 
to the corner to throw some trash away, escaped the attack by her 

Local residents intervened and wanted to lynch Osman Nuri bey but
police arrived in time to prevent it.  Osman Nuri bey was arrested and
jailed.  He "explained" that he was angry with daughter Merve hanım
for harboring Hatice hanım. 

12 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Two Idiots Cut-off Racing Ambulance, Asserting it Carried No Patient - Wrong!, in Kadıköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article and must-see video!

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 June 2024)

        Hey idiots, aren't you supposed to wear helmets?

In Kadıköy, Istanbul, the day before yesterday at about 3 o'clock in the 
afternoon an ambulance was rushing a patient to a hospital with sirens
blaring.  However (!), two individuals on a motorcycle cut off the
ambulance, asserting that there was no patient in the vehicle and
shouting to the ambulance driver "we don't believe there's a sick person 
in this ambulance!" 

Unable to move the vehicle, the ambulance driver got out, opened the
side door and showed the idiots the ill person within.  Reluctantly 
satisfied, the two idiots left the scene and the ambulance proceeded to
the hospital.

Based on the video taken by ambulance personnel, police identified the
idiots as E.B., who has been arrested, and M.T., who is still on the lam.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca reacted to the incident by castigating
the two idiots: "These two have no humanity whatsoever. The law is 
after then."

11 Haziran 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Hitman Kills Hit-gal Who Botched Her Hit - One Big Mess, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 June 2024)

                                Two parts of the mess.

In Adana on the night of 14 February, Yaşar Bulut (20) turned himself 
in to the police, saying that he'd killed his girlfriend İpek Akgül (19) for
cheating on him and buried her body in an orange grove.  Bulut was 
taken into custody but couldn't recall exactly where in the orange grove
he'd buried İpek hanım. Thanks to his rental car's GPS device, though,
police were able to determine the coordinates of the grave site, and with 
the help of sniffer dog "Asena" found the body. 

The Adana police forensic lab examined İpek hanım's body and determined
that on 11 February she had been beaten, her arm and spine broken, and
then she was shot multiple times with a revolver.  She was subsequently
buried properly in Seyhan district.

Investigating further, police discovered that three days before İpek hanım
was killed she had been together with E.A. (22) whom she met on social
media and who came from Izmir to see her.  However, while taking a 
shower İpek hanım shot E.A. three times and fled the house (!).  After 
being released from a hospital, E.A. "explained" that "we met on the 
internet and then met in my house.  For no reason, she shot me while I
was in the shower."  

Based on data from the KGYS (city security system) and PTS (license 
plate ID system), police discovered that on the night of the incident 
İpek hanım was in a car not with Bulut but, rather, with her former
boyfriend Ahmet Albayrak (27) and his friend Mehmet Görgün (26).  
Bulut was interrogated again and admitted that "I really didn't even
know the girl.  Ahmet and Mehmet said they wanted me to kill her
and said they'd take care of me while I'm in prison." (!) 

Adana police overheard discussing the case...

Police learned that Albayrak and Görgün were at odds with E.A.and
wanted İpek hanım to kill him.  But when İpek hanım wasn't able to
finish off E.A., Albayrak and Görgün decided that to keep her from 
talking to the police they would have Bulut kill her. 

Albayrak and Görgün were tracked down in two separate apartments
in Çukurova district.  Also, Yaşar Bulut's older brother Aziz Bulut (23)
was arrested in Seyhan district on the charge of helping Albayrak and
Güngün hide.  In their interrogations, the two blamed each other and
denied having E.A. and İpek hanım shot.  The Bulut brothers, along
with Albayrak and Görgün, were jailed. 

10 Haziran 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Balcony Gun-Making Workshop Raided, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Cumhuriyet Newspaper, 10 June 2024)

    Some people tend flowers on their balconies. Others...

Istanbul police got a tip that guns were being produced in the Avcılar 
district of the city.  Suspect H.G. was put under surveillance and it was
determined that the guns were being made and hidden at a house in  
nearby Küçükçekmece district's İnönü neighborhood.  

In a raid on the house, police found that H.G. and B.K. had set up a
gun-making workshop on the balcony (!).  Both of them were taken
into custody for illegal weapons trading and jailed. 

Police found five unlicensed revolvers ready for sale, 8 blanks-firing
revolvers in production stage, and a large number of other guns of 
various types, along with gun-making drills and 9 millimeter bullets 
and cartridges.

9 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Rug's Cleaning Tag Leads Police to Suspects in Young Woman's Death, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 June 2024)

Suspects were too fussy about clean rugs for their own good.

Along the shore of the Sea of Marmara near the Mimar Sinan Bridge in
Istanbul's Büyükçekmece district in the morning on 7 June fishermen
found a woman's body wrapped in a rug with her hands and feet bound.
The family of the deceased woman confirmed her identity as Sedef
Güler (24), with the tattoo of a snake (!) on her back providing the 
absolute proof. 

Police reviewed security camera images and determined that the body
had been brought to the Mimar Sinan Bridge from nearby Beylikdüzü
in a car.  Based on a carpet cleaning firm's tag on the rug (!) police were
able to track the suspects to a house in Beylikdüzü they had rented a 
month ago. 

In a raid on the house Firat B. (53) and Onur Ö. were taken into custody.
The driver of the car was identified as drug addict Yavuz G. and Firat
B. was the passenger in the car.  A scarf, neckerchief and rope thought to
have been used to strangle Sedef hanım were found in the house and sent
to the police lab. 

In his statement to police, Firat B. "explained" that "Yavuz G. called me.
When I went to the house I saw that the woman was dead.  We got chains
and a lock from a hardware store and then wrapped the body in a rug,
securing it with the lock and chain.  We put the body in the car  and then
threw it from the bridge.  I didn't kill the woman."  Police are currently
trying to track down Yavuz G. 

Sedef hanım's parents live separately.  Her mother, who lives in Avcılar
district of  the city, told police on 6 June that her daughter had not been
heard from for four days.  Her sister put a picture of Sedef hanım on  
social media, also noting that she had been missing for four days.