18 Nisan 2021 Pazar

Coal-based Cosmetics Somehow Just Didn't Catch On

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 18 April 2021)

       Models posing for TKİ product publicity campaign.

Without any experience in the cosmetic sector, the Turkey Coal 
Operations (TKİ) organization (!) decided to plunge in, spending
4.7 million TL (about $600,000) to produce a hair-removal product
and 11 other cosmetic materials under the brand name "Elegance".

Another 2.2 million TL was spent by TKİ on commercials to 
advertise its line of products.  However (!), when the TKİ products
did not catch on with consumers, TKİ had to destroy a portion of its
"Elegance" inventory and distributed 76,405 packages of the hair-
removal cream to public sector workers for free as the product's 
expiration date approached.  

CHP (opposition party) parliamentarian Levent Gök posed this question
to Energy Minister Fatih Dönmez: "what official procedures have 
begun in regard to those responsible for this waste of money?"  In his
response, Minister Dönmez stated that there had been 2,187,000 TL
spent for these products. 

However, the Sayıştay (government accounting bureau) report noted
that up to 2018, 2,186,000 TL had been spent on advertising alone and
4.7 million TL for production.   TKİ General Director Hasan Hüseyin
Erdoğan, speaking at a meeting of t the Grand National Assembly's KİT 
(public sector economic initiatives) commission, explained that "the
cosmetic products that were produced were distributed as gifts.  There
was never an intent to sell them commercially."

                          Oxymoronic brand-naming.

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