28 Nisan 2021 Çarşamba

TV Star Shows TV Hubby & Son Who's The Boss

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 28 April 2021)

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspapaer, 28 April 2021)

              Maybe it shouldn't have been such a surprise.

TV star Hülya Avşar has imposed her wrath on both her TV husband
and TV son in real life. During a scene in the "dizi" (nighttime soap
opera) "Masumiyet", Avşar slapped her "husband" Ertuğrul Postoğlu
so hard that the blow dislocated Postoğlu's chin bone. (!)

Making amends, Avşar took Postoğlu to Akademik Hospital, where
her cousin Dr. Erol Avşar works.  After treatment, Postoğlu was able
to return to the "dizi" set a few days later.

As for her TV son Serkay Tütüncü, Avşar, who has a phobia about
elevators, made Tütüncü walk up 14 flights of stairs with her to the
"dizi" set. (!)

                            Elevators are for sissies!

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