6 Şubat 2022 Pazar

"Click & Release": Woman's Attractive Posterior Incites Camera-ready Needle Injector, in Tuzla

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 February 2022)

           No harm done. His pictures are fuzzy anyway.

Last Thursday at about 9 o'clock at night in Tuzla, Istanbul, a 19-year-
old woman who is getting injection treatments, went to a private clinic
with her boyfriend.  Taha E.O. (21), who was at the clinic his mother
owns, said that he could do the requested injection for the woman. 

However, Taha E.O., who graduated from a health-centric high school
and has a nursing diploma, took the opportunity to take a picture of the
woman's posterior when she lowered her pants for the injection without 
her knowing it. (!) 

At this time, the woman's boyfriend, who was waiting for her outside 
the treatment cabin, noticed from the reflection on the ceramic floor
that pictures of his girlfriend were being taken by Taha E.O.  Police 
were alerted and Taha E.O. was taken into custody.  At the police station,
he explained that "Sometimes I help out at my mom's clinic in Tuzla.
While my mother was outside having a cigarette, these people came
and I told my mom that I could do the injection they requested."

Later, Taha E.O. gave another statement to the public prosecutor, 
saying that "I was about to stick the needle but when she lowered her
pants and her tush waved back and forth I got excited (!).  In a moment 
of weakness, I took a picture of it.  I regret doing it and hope that I'll be 
tried without being jailed."  

The court ruled against the prosecutor's request that Taha E.O. be 
jailed to await trial, but the prosecutor has objected to this decision. 

             Taha E.O. facing "eye for an eye" sentence.

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