29 Ağustos 2019 Perşembe

TNT History Archives: End 'Capitulations' & Reform With 'Japanese Iron Hand' (1906)

//Ed. Note: In this article, Dr. Şerefeddin Mağmumi, in 
Cairo, focused his wrath on the Ottoman 'Capitulations' to 
Europeans and suggested that a 'benevolent iron-hand' like 
the one that revived Japan was the key to Ottoman reform.//

Praise for the Rising Sun click here for a recent TNT
report about Mağmumi's infatuation with Japan re
the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

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I’m Thinking That...

“Türk” newspaper: 2 June 1906

It is certain that in our country (Turkey) foreign consuls rely on the 
'Capitulations' (Ottoman State concessions to foreign governments) and 
take advantage of our weakness and laxity so that their corrupt, 
inappropriate, irregular and illegal activities continue while the 
government fails to reform itself.  How can it, though, when it’s not 
just the Ottoman State that’s running the country but all the foreign 
governments, as well.  

Every consul not only looks after his citizens’ affairs but also protects 
Christians and interferes in all Ottoman State matters.  The consuls of 
France, which is officially a secular state, act more Catholic than the 
Pope does, in the eastern countries they are assigned in.  They even l
ook after the French missionaries that the French government has 
expelled, who have sought refuge in Turkey.  The French consulates 
are the protectors of the Catholics living in the Ottoman State, while 
the English and German consuls look after the Protestants and the 
Russian consuls mind the Ottoman Orthodox flock.  

Among these consuls, and even those from smaller countries, there 
are many who are common, ignorant bigotted fanatics who hate Islam 
and the Turks.  In particular,  there are the  ‘vice consuls’ found in 
small towns, most of whom are ‘honorary’ and Greek, who are 
engaged in commerce, ferry agencies, usury, money-changing and 
wineries.  They’ve assumed the title ‘acting consul’ for themselves 
and do whatever they please.  

In Izmir, the local government shut the Greek businesses that refused 
to pay the ‘temettü’ tax (tax on profits).   Without any right to do so, 
the consuls protested and an ambassador wrote that a few days closure 
would cause unacceptable loss and harm for the businesses, which is 
understandable.  Nevertheless, they sent armed goons and clerks to 
the scene and injured some policemen in their quest to re-open the 
shops.  This isn’t consulate business, this is ‘palikaryalık’ (Greek 
rowdiness).  So the Gendarmerie soldier there guarding the shop, with 
orders not to let it be opened, shot – more in self-defense than anything 
else -  a consulate clerk, who fell to the ground.  

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Who is at fault here?   All these foreign countries, not just the ones 
with 'Capitulations' but even the small Balkan governments that are the 
remnants of the Ottoman State, act this way, making it impossible for 
the state to govern. 

There is a solution for this, though.  We need to open our eyes.  
Reforms must be implemented, not just with words but with serious, 
fundamental and comprehensive actions in Rumeli, Anatolia and 
Arabia and for Moslems, Christians and Jews.  There must be reforms 
and corrections implemented everywhere and for everyone, so we can 
take on the shape of a European state.  After that, the capitulations and 
other privileges should be eliminated and Christians and other 
foreigners made accountable to the laws of the land.

Let us not consider this to be too difficult or impossible.  Look at the 
Japanese in the Far East. In thirty years they have reformed all aspects 
of their situation from top to bottom and have come to resemble the 
Europeans to the degree that it seems they’ve become Englishmen.  
Three or four years ago they eliminated all privileges for foreigners 
and not one European country opened its mouth to protest.
Yes, of course, Japan has one language, one sensibility, one religion 
and a uniform race, unlike us who are comprised of more than 32 
nations and sects, like the passengers on Noah’s Ark.  For the Japanese 
reform was relatively easy, compared to what it would take for us to 
reform.  Nevertheless, it would not be impossible.  It’s just that it 
would have to be done in 50 years, rather than the 4 centuries that 
have passed.  We too need a well-intentioned ‘iron hand’ for this to 

 japan 1900 cartoons ile ilgili görsel sonucu

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