14 Haziran 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": As Father's Day Approaches, He Kills Daughter and Grandson, in Eskişehir

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 June 2024)

                             Father knows best (!).

Osman Nuri K., who lives in Osmaniye, and his ex-wife Hatice K.
agreed to divorce so Hatice hanım went to live with their daughter
in Eskişehir.  She also obtained a legal judgment to keep her 
whereabouts secret from her ex-husband.

Nevertheless, Osman Nuri bey went to Eskişehir's Odunpazarı district
and learned where his wife and daughter were living.  He lay in ambush
for them from midnight until morning, when, at seven-thirty, his
daughter Merve Karabaş (31) and his grandson Ata Alp (7) came out of
the house and got into a car in front of their house.  

At this point, Osman Nuri bey sprayed the car with bullets, killing 
Merve hanım. Young Ata Alp fled from the car but his grandfather shot 
him in the back, killing him (!).  Ex-wife Hatice hanım, who had gone 
to the corner to throw some trash away, escaped the attack by her 

Local residents intervened and wanted to lynch Osman Nuri bey but
police arrived in time to prevent it.  Osman Nuri bey was arrested and
jailed.  He "explained" that he was angry with daughter Merve hanım
for harboring Hatice hanım. 

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