2 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Bolt & Release": Lentil Harvesting Machine Contacts 245-Volt Wire, Shocking Farm Workers, in Şanlıurfa

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 June 2024) 

           Lentils are good, but not "to die for" good. 
In Hilvan district of Şanlıurfa province a harvesting machine being
used in the lentil harvest came in contact with a 245-volt power line. (!)  
As a result, farm workers Şehriban Sibak, Bergüzar Baytuğ, Sefer 
Baytuğ, Fatih Baytuğ and Ozan Baytuğ were all electrocuted and 
brought to Hilvan Şehit Halit Şiltak State Hospital for treatment

Fatih Baytuğ and his older brother Ozan Baytuğ could not be saved.
The other three farm workers, all in serious condition, were 
transferred to Şanlıurfa Mehmet Akif İnan Training Hospital for 
further treatment. 


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