22 Haziran 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Ex-Cop, Cancer Survivor, Shot Dead by Mugger for His Cellphone, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 June 2024)

As we've said before, these phones will be the death of us.

In Istanbul's Bağcılar district on the night of 19 June, Avşin Altunbaş, a
retired policeman who started working as the security chief for a private
firm two months ago, was sitting in a parked car with some friends when
an armed thief demanded that everyone in the car hand over their

As the thief fled the scene after taking the phones, Altunbaş got out of 
the car and fired into the air, prompting the fleeing thief to shoot Altunbaş 
in the chest, killing him.  

          Muggers can't resist the lure of cellphones.

Police began an investigation and determined that the thief had been
involved in many such muggings, including one on 15 June at the
SMT Garage and on 18 June at the BE Plato Film Çekim Seti office.
A subsequent raid by police resulted in the arrest of 10 suspects, who
were found to have weapons like 3 unlicensed revolvers, a Kalashnikov
AK-47 assault rifle and 5 gun cartridge clips. 

A funeral ceremony was held for Altunbaş, the father of two children,
at the Bolluca Mosque in Arnavutköy.  Previously, Altunbaş had 
overcome cancer. (!)

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